* Preparing of Global Jam for Czech comunity in April - http://forum.ubuntu.cz/index.php/topic,54644.0.html * 19th - Live meeting in Prague, new WIKI possibilities and future layout discussed, new administrators set up (all photos are available here https://picasaweb.google.com/115229928714568822266/UbuntuPraha190311#) * 24th - First Czech IRC community conference - these conferences were scheduled on regular basis (bi-weekly), relevant topic on Czech forum http://forum.ubuntu.cz/index.php/topic,54727.0.html, meeting minutes http://blog.ubuntu.cz/clanek/shrnuti-ctvrtecniho-irc-setkani and IRC log http://wiki.ubuntu.cz/IRC%20setk%C3%A1n%C3%AD/Log