* preparations for Ubuntu RP 12.10 in Prague * session info [[http://party.ubuntu.cz/|on our official Czech pages]] * [[http://forum.ubuntu.cz/index.php?topic=64908.0|current topic on our Czech forum]] * preparations for LinuxDays in Prague - LinuxDays is an annual Czech open-source conference that takes place in Prague. It will be held in 2012 for the first time to replace the LinuxExpo conference, which had a long tradition, but unfortunately was cancelled this year - [[http://www.linuxdays.cz/english/|English pages]] * Czech Ubuntu team will prepare 3 presentations (by [[VojtěchTrefný|Vojtěch Trefný]], [[TadeasParik|Tadeáš Pařík]] and Radek Neužil) - [[http://bootstrapping-awesome.org/schedule/|schedule]]