
This WikiPage will describe the process to take in order to stream mp3 audio to a Shoutcast server, using DJPlay. It's worth noting at this point, that DJPlay will not (at this time) compile on amd64 architecture. I've raised this issue with the developer.

Getting DJPlay Working

Satisfying Dependencies

Having enabled universe and (possibly) multiverse, you should be able to satisfy all the DJPlay dependencies with:

myshell:~ $ sudo apt-get install jackd qjackctl libqt3-headers libqt3-mt-dev libsamplerate0-dev libmad0-dev libaudiofile-dev libmpeg3-dev libid3-3.8.3-dev ladspa-sdk swh-plugins tap-plugins libxml2-dev lame libjack-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev

Building DJPlay from CVS

Satisfying Build Dependencies

To satisfy the dependencies to build from DJPlay CVS tree, you will require the following packages:

myshell:~ $ sudo apt-get install build-essential cvs libtool automake1.9

Downloading from CVS

DJPlay is the type of project that rarely creates package bundles. It's best to get the current source from CVS:

myshell:~ $  cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@djplay.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/djplay login

Then hit enter when prompted for a password.

myshell:~ $  cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@djplay.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/djplay co -P djplay

You should now receive output, showing the files being checked to your a directory called djplay within your current directory.

myshell:~ $ cd djplay
myshell:~ $ ./autogen.sh
myshell:~ $ export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3/
myshell:~ $ ./configure

Now for the odd bits, DJPlay requires some minor code hacking to get running. Open up djplay.cpp in your favourite editor, and comment out lines 113 and 114 so that they should look like:

        //QWindowsStyle *style=new QWindowsStyle;

Then save the file.

Next, due to the way DJPlay compiling is scripted, we'll need to copy a couple of the header files in with out QT Lib header files. Execute the following commands:

myshell:~ $ sudo cp plugins/bitmapbutton/bitmapbutton.h $QTDIR/include/
myshell:~ $ sudo cp plugins/bitmapslider/bitmapslider.h $QTDIR/include/

And now, with the actuall compilation and installation:

myshell:~ $ make
myshell:~ $ sudo make install


Ices0 is the client that we'll use to stream our audio to the Shoutcast server. Ices2 will not function, as it only streams ogg/vorbis, and Ices0 only streams mp3. Change to the parent directory where you downloading DJPlay, and download Ices0 from http://icecast.org/ices.php.

Satisfying Ices0 Dependencies

To satisfy the dependencies to build Ices0, you will require the following packages:

myshell:~ $ sudo apt-get install libshout3 libshout3-dev liblame0 liblame-dev

Building Ices0

Extract the files, compile and install with:

myshell:~ $ tar zxvf ices-0.4.tar.gz
myshell:~ $ cd ices-0.4
myshell:~ $ ./configure
myshell:~ $ make
myshell:~ $ sudo cp src/ices /usr/local/bin/ices-mp3

Configuring Jack

Jack connections require quite some cross wiring to get DJPlay operating correctly. I've saved you some time, by attaching an .xml files which can be used in Jack's Patchbay to automatically configure the port connections. jack_patchbay.xml

You should use the GUI (qjackctl) to access and configure jack. This is accessible from Applications > Sound & Video > QJackCtl

Configuring Ices0

First, Ices0 needs to know we're using it as a pipeline:

myshell:~ $ sudo echo - >/etc/ices-mp3.txt

Ice0 will also need aquire its configuration from an .xml file. Again, for ease, I've attached a template. Save and edit in a recognisable place, as we'll be referring to this file in DJPlay. ices0_configuration.xml

Song Titles

To push song titles to the stream, we require a custom script. This is just something I put together from various sources, it could do with improving. Open you favourite editor, and create /usr/local/bin/pushmetadata-djplay, copy and paste the code below:

sed -e 's/ARTIST=/ARTIST=\"/g' -e 's/TITLE=/TITLE=\"/g' -e 's/$'"/\"/"< /tmp/ices-metadata.txt > /tmp/ices-new.txt

. /tmp/ices-new.txt

# URL-encode any non-alphanumeric characters for http transmission
song_title=$(echo $TITLE |sed \
-e "s/%/\%25/g" \
-e "s/;/\%3B/g" \
-e "s/\//\%2F/g" \
-e "s/?/\%3F/g" \
-e "s/:/\%3A/g" \
-e "s/@/\%40/g" \
-e "s/&/\%26/g" \
-e "s/=/\%3D/g" \
-e "s/+/\%2B/g" \
-e "s/ /\%20/g" \
-e "s/\"/\%22/g" \
-e "s/#/\%23/g" \
-e "s/</\%3C/g" \
-e "s/>/\%3E/g" \
-e "s/!/\%21/g" \
-e "s/*/\%2A/g" \
-e "s/'/\%27/g" \
-e "s/,/\%2C/g" \
-e "s/)/\%29/g" \
-e "s/(/\%28/g")

song_artist=$(echo $ARTIST |sed \
-e "s/%/\%25/g" \
-e "s/;/\%3B/g" \
-e "s/\//\%2F/g" \
-e "s/?/\%3F/g" \
-e "s/:/\%3A/g" \
-e "s/@/\%40/g" \
-e "s/&/\%26/g" \
-e "s/=/\%3D/g" \
-e "s/+/\%2B/g" \
-e "s/ /\%20/g" \
-e "s/\"/\%22/g" \
-e "s/#/\%23/g" \
-e "s/</\%3C/g" \
-e "s/>/\%3E/g" \
-e "s/!/\%21/g" \
-e "s/*/\%2A/g" \
-e "s/'/\%27/g" \
-e "s/,/\%2C/g" \
-e "s/)/\%29/g" \
-e "s/(/\%28/g")

if [ "" != "$song_title" ]; then
 if [ "" != "$song_artist" ]; then
 echo "Updated Metadata:     "$song_string

# Send title to SHOUTCAST server
 ($(nohup lynx -source \
?mode=updinfo\&pass=password\&song=$song_string > /dev/null &))&


You'll need to edit the server details, and stream password. Save the file, and make it executable:

myshell:~ $ sudo chmod ug+x /usr/local/bin/pushmetadata-djplay

The script also uses Lynx it could be adjusted for Curl, but in the meantime, satisy the Lynx dependancy with:

myshell:~ $ sudo apt-get install lynx

Configuring DJPlay

Start up jack, using QjackCtl, and click 'Start'. Then execute djplay from the command line.

Streaming and Recording Configuration

Once DJPlay has started, click the Setup button. Go to the Streaming & Recording tab, and input the following data:

Broadcast Pipeline Command (tick Re-Launch if Aborted)

lame --resample 44100 -r -x -v -q 9 --cbr -b 128 -m s - - | ices-mp3 -R -c /home/jbloggs/ices0_configuration.xml

Metadata File


Command to Activate Metadata


Record Destination (tick Destination is a Pipeline)

lame --resample 44100 -r -x -v -q 9 -b 128 -m s - /home/jbloggs/radio`date --iso=s`.mp3

Microphone Configuration

Click the Mic tab, and set the Mic Input to Line 1, and disable attenuation for Line 1. You may also wish to drop the Talkover Level down, as that when your microphone is on, we can hear you above the music, and your microphone is also exempt from attenuation.

Click Ok to save these changes. If you've not recorded on your microphone before, you'll need to adjust your mixer settings. Up the Microphone level, tag the microphone speaker icon (to prevent any feedback), up the Capture level (add fi not present), and check that both microphone and speaker icons (below capture) are enabled.

Close your audio settings... Hit the Big Red Button on DJPlay, and start streaming.


To improve performance and latency when using jackd, it's possible to configure and install the realtime-lsm kernel module, and then setup jackd to use the realtime functionality, see RealtimeLSMHowto.


DJPlayWithShoutcastHowto (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:23 by localhost)