#format wiki #language en My name is David Siegel, and I began my involvement with Ubuntu a few years ago as a part time user, and became actively engaged as a full-time user and developer a year and half ago when I founded the [[http://do.davebsd.com|GNOME Do project]]. == Contact == {*} '''E-Mail:''' djsiegel@gmail.com {*} '''Jabber:''' djsiegel@gmail.com {*} '''IRC (freenode):''' djsiegel {*} '''Website:''' http://blog.davebsd.com/ {*} '''Launchpad:''' [[LaunchpadHome:djsiegel]] {*} '''Forums:''' http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=208000 {*} '''Facebook:''' http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=610567 {*} '''Twitter:''' http://www.twitter.com/davidsiegel == Contributions to the Ubuntu Community == My contributions to Ubuntu consist of blogging about Ubuntu and Free Software, participating on the forums, promoting and beta testing Launchpad, and most significantly, my involvement as the founder and maintainer of GNOME Do, a high-profile, user-facing desktop application. I believe that my upstream work constitutes a significant contribution to the Ubuntu community in particular. GNOME Do was created to promote Ubuntu more than it was intended to promote GNOME, and I have received hundreds of testimonials from users who switched from Windows, ''and Mac OS X'', to Ubuntu due in part to the availability of GNOME Do. GNOME Do has also drawn tens of new ''developers'' to the platform. GNOME Do has also gone a long way to promote and provide feedback on Launchpad, where Do has been a featured application and involved in Launchpad beta testing for over a year. I have attended GNOME Summit 2008, Penguicon, and will of course be at UDS this May in Barcelona. I am currently an adviser to the GNOME Zeitgeist project. == Bright Future == In March 2009, I joined the newly-formed user experience team at Canonical, where I will help push Ubuntu and the Free desktop in new and exciting directions. Much of my work will involve fostering a passion for software usability within the community -- you'll find me doing this in #ubuntu-desktop! I'm also interested in getting my hands dirty packaging some Haskell packages in the future, GHC 6.10 and later to be specific. === Membership Recommendations === Dave has a proven track record when it comes to managing community in GNOME Do which I think would help Ubuntu. I am glad that we are finally getting application developers interested in working more closely with the distro so I am +1 when an upstream wants to work with us. -- [[LaunchpadHome:jorge]] <> ... ---- CategoryHomepage