><>|| = Video Overview = ## Three lines of text to describe in a nutshell what this video is all about. El vídeo consiste en una explicación de forma breve como instarlar y configurar el cliente Skype, para llamadas pc-pc. ''' [[http://www.archive.org/download/ScreencastInstalandoSkypeEnUbuntu-UbuntuSv/videotutorial_skype.ogv|Descargar]] ''' = Target Audience = * Users = Pre-requisites = ## Are there any other tutorial videos that people might benefit from having already seen? Ser un usuario de Ubuntu con el sistema operativo instalado y funcionando,se requiere conexión a internet para la descarga de los paquetes. = Required Knowledge = ## Specific things they really should already know. Ninguna = Recommended Knowledge = ## Other stuff that might be useful for them to know but isn't essential. * Conocer la ubicación de los diferentes menús en el ambiente Ubuntu. = Objectives = * Instalar y configurar Skype ## * Describe this ## * Manage that.. ## * Create the other specific object ## * Delete the object ## * In other ways manipulate the object ---- CategoryUbuntuTeams