||||||DallasTeam||[[DallasTeam/Goals|Goals]]||[[DallasTeam/Meetings|Meetings]]||[[DallasTeam/Docs|Docs]]||[[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-tx-dallas|Mailing List]]||[[InternetRelayChat|#ubuntu-dallas]]|||||| == Dallas Team Meetings == * We meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month. ==== Last Meeting ==== * Comparison of OpenMoko vs Android. * The pros and cons of many distributions being used as servers: security, password management, and server access. * Open discussion regarding wireless providers (agreed AT&T is the least favorite). * "Running Linux", a book from 1996, enjoyed a few laughs. We reminisced of how difficult it was in the past. * Windows 7, hands on, at next meeting. ===== Upcoming meetings: ===== * Meetings are at 3:00 P.M. (15:00), unless otherwise specified. ||<#FF8080>~-Past or Skip Meeting-~||<#80FF80>~+Current Meeting+~||<#8080FF>Future Meeting|| ||<#80FF80>~+Jan 10th 2010+~||<#8080FF>May 9th 2010||<#8080FF>Sept 12th 2010|| ||<#8080FF>Feb 14th 2010||<#8080FF>June 13th 2010||<#8080FF>Oct 10th 2010|| ||<#8080FF>March 14th 2010||<#8080FF>July 11th 2010||<#8080FF>Nov 14th 2010|| ||<#8080FF>April 11th 2010||<#8080FF>Aug 8th 2010||<#8080FF>Dec 12th 2010|| * Held at [[http://www.daveandbusters.com/|Dave & Busters]]{{{#!html
View Map }}} <
>If you have not met the Dallas Team, and wish to join the meeting, stop in the IRC Channel, #ubuntu-dallas, on [[http://webchat.freenode.net/|FreeNode]] and chat with JJNova on the Saturday night before the meeting; he will arrange to meet you at D&B. :-)