== Contact Details == || '''Launchpad ID''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~schwuk|schwuk]] || || '''IRC''': || '''schwuk''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Homepage''': || http://schwuk.com || || '''Blog''': || http://blog.schwuk.com/ || == About Me == I manage the Infrastructure team within Professional & Engineering Services in Canonical where we provide tools and services to the rest of the group. Prior to this role I was a software engineer working primarily on web-based projects. I have also worked on Launchpad and Ubuntu. I'm also a father (of three, soon to be four) and a husband. I live near [[Wikipedia:Wigton|Wigton]], [[Wikipedia:Cumbria|Cumbria]] in the [[Wikipedia:UK|UK]]. I was introduced to Linux for the first time in 1996 by a colleague. After trying various distributions, another colleague introduced me to OpenBSD which gave me my proper introduction to UNIX. After that I settled on Red Hat Linux, and subsequently Fedora. I switched to Ubuntu when Warty was released and have been running (and supporting) it ever since. I joined Canonical in 2007, and have worked on both Launchpad and Ubuntu. == What I do for Ubuntu == === The Official Ubuntu Book === I co-authored the second edition of [[http://vig.prenhall.com/catalog/academic/product/0,1144,0132354136,00.html|The Official Ubuntu Book]]. === Translations === I am a member of [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-en-gb|Ubuntu English (United Kingdom)]] translation team, and have contributed translations to Dapper and Feisty. === UK LoCo Team === I am member of the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam|UK LoCo team]], active on both the [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk|mailing list]] and our [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/IRC|irc channel]]. Along with other members I represented the team at the recent Linux World Expo in London, where I answered questions and generally promoted Ubuntu and the UK LoCo team. During the event I was active collecting signatures for our [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/CharityWork/ChildrenInNeedTShirt|charity T-shirt]], including getting Jon 'Maddog' Hall to sign it. Finally I created the UK Loco Team [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Logo|logo]] (created entirely using FOSS) which has been approved by Canonical as an acceptable derivative of the Ubuntu logo. === Ubuntu UK Podcast === I designed their logo, website, and marketing materials, and have contributed both as a guest and behind the scenes. === General Support === I am active in the #ubuntu-testing, #ubuntu-quality, and #ubuntu-uk channels on IRC providing support where I can. === Wiki Pages === * I wrote the community document [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MonoFromSource|Mono From Source]] for Hoary as the packaged version of Mono was quite out-of-date at that point * I rewrote the [[http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/RailsOnUbuntu|Rails on Ubuntu]] page for the Ruby on Rails wiki for Dapper === Laptop Testing === * Whilst configuring a newly purchased laptop for a friend, I completed a [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/AcerAspire1654WLMi|laptop testing record]] for it. Unfortunately at the time, support for the laptop was limited so it was impossible to test everything == Non-Ubuntu, but Linux related == * I co-ordinate the Cumbria LUG * I wrote [[http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=04/07/22/1718242|"How to run your own yum repository"]] - for linux.com * I contributed hacks #49 "Share Applications and Monitors with screen" and #59 "Convert Your Mailbox" to [[http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linuxdeskhks/|Linux Desktop Hacks]] published by O'Reilly * [[http://www.cumbria.lug.org.uk/index.php?id=6|"Introducing Screen"]] is an article I wrote for my LUG, and formed the basis for my "Share Applications and Monitors with screen" hack for Linux Desktop Hacks * My article about Open Source software for children was [[http://schwuk.com/articles/2006/9/27/published-again|published]] in issue 66 of Linux User & Developer * My article "RADical Python" - an introduction to Rapid Application Development with Python and GTK - was [[http://schwuk.com/articles/2006/12/8/radical-python|published]] in issue 68 of Linux User & Developer * I was the first [[http://lugradio.org|LugRadio]] fan. I helped crew LugRadio Live 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. I also appear in a couple of episodes in the early seasons * I wrote [[http://www.packtpub.com/managing-software-development-with-trac-and-subversion/book|"Managing Software Development with Trac and Subversion"]] published by Packt Publishing, Dec 2007