= David Vazquez = I'm David Vazquez Landa, Electronic Systems Engineer (just a semester and I'm officially Engineer :D). I've been using linux for a bit more than two years now, started with Gentoo and right now a bit more than six months with Ubuntu. Mostly I use linux for school, I've made some projects and, mostly, I like to install linux in every box that gets into my hands... :) Most recently I've used ubuntu on two desktops (homemade), two notebooks (HP Pavillion ZT3000) and iBook G3, and three Tablet PC's (Compaq tc1100). The Tablet PC's were part of a research program at the University (I was in charge of the linux team) and I also encourage people to migrate from Winbugs tu Ubuntu (it's such a fair change). I'm a somewhat active member in the forums (I've been more time in Gentoo forums) because I've been using ubuntu for such a short time. Also I've done Linux Terminal Servers with Ubuntu (with terrific success) and I'd sure like to test some more laptops to help with the project... Specially in Mexico, people are so afraid of using linux :s... And piracy is an overwhelming problem... ---- CategoryHomepage