'''LOGS CAN CONTAIN PRIVATE INFORMATION. CHECK ALL LOGS WITH EMPATHY BUGS''' Telepathy programs have useful debug output for debugging. When you're facing a bug it's always a good idea to attach those debug output to the bug report. Here is an example using telepathy-gabble (the Jabber connection manager); for more details and instructions for other protocols, see [[http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Debugging|the Debugging page on the Telepathy wiki]]. 1. Kill all Telepathy related processes. Quitting empathy should be enough but to make sure you may want to kill them: {{{$ killall empathy mission-control telepathy-gabble telepathy-stream-engine}}} 2. Start programs in different consoles: {{{ $ GABBLE_LOGFILE=/tmp/gabble.log GABBLE_PERSIST=1 GABBLE_DEBUG=all $prefix/telepathy/telepathy-gabble $ $prefix/lib/telepathy/mission-control $ EMPATHY_LOGFILE=/tmp/empathy.log EMPATHY_DEBUG=all empathy }}} If you want to debug audio or video issues, you can start empathy with {{{ $ EMPATHY_LOGFILE=/tmp/empathy.log GST_DEBUG=\*fsrtp\*:5 EMPATHY_DEBUG=all empathy }}} Note: "$prefix" should be replaced by /usr/lib/ or /usr/libexec or something like that depending on your installation If you want to always keep logs you can export *_LOGFILE, *_PERSIST and *_DEBUG in ~/.gnomerc or ~/.bashrc. To add timestamp in logs you can define *_TIMING.<
> Note: '*' can be replaced by GABBLE, BUTTERFLY, SALUT, EMPATHY, HAZE and SOFIASIP. == Getting a stack trace == The most useful debugging information you can provide when encountering a crash in Empathy is by providing a stack trace. 1. Install debugging symbols for Empathy and telepathy-*. 1. Start Empathy with gdb {{{ $ gdb empathy }}} 1. Run Empathy {{{ (gdb) run }}} 1. Make it crash 1. Get the stacktrace {{{ (gdb) thread apply all bt full }}} 1. Copy the output of bt to a pastebin (such as [[http://www.pastebin.com]]).