= Default Ubuntu Desktop Apps = Ubuntu Desktop includes a number of apps that are shipped by default (i.e. included on the CD image). These apps are included with the following criteria: * They are good quality apps. * They are useful to the target audience of Ubuntu Desktop users. * They keep the CD image to a reasonable size. Since Ubuntu 17.10 we ship the GNOME desktop by default. GNOME has a set of core apps that should be shipped by default. Where we are not shipping a core app we have listed here the reasons for this. A core app that doesn't have a reason not to ship is a good candidate for being a default app in Ubuntu. The list of core apps is managed in [[https://git.gnome.org/browse/jhbuild/tree/modulesets/gnome-suites-core-3.26.modules|jhbuild]]. Any discussions about default apps should occur on the [[mailto:ubuntu-desktop@lists.ubuntu.com|Ubuntu Desktop mailing list]]. == GNOME Core Apps == || App name || Type || Included || Notes || || baobab || Disk Usage ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || cheese || Camera ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || eog || Image Viewer ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || epiphany || Web Browser ||<:#FF0000> No || We ship Firefox instead for security, functionality and brand recognition. || || evince || PDF Viewer ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || file-roller || File Archiver ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || gedit || Text Editor ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || gnome-boxes || Virtual Machines and Remote Desktop ||<:#FF0000> No || With default dependencies is very large (>500Mb). Upstream plans to [[https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=674039|support RDP]] which will make it a future candidate for replacing Remmina. || || gnome-calculator || Calculator ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || gnome-calendar || Calendar ||<:#00FF00> Yes || Default since 16.04 LTS. || || gnome-characters || Character Browser ||<:#00FF00> Yes || Default since 18.04 LTS || || gnome-clocks || Clock Tool ||<:#FFFF00> Proposed || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-August/005092.html|Proposed for inclusion]]. || || gnome-contacts || Address Book ||<:#FFFF00> Proposed || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-August/005094.html|Proposed for inclusion]]. || || gnome-disk-utility || Disk Tools ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || gnome-documents || Document Manager ||<:#FF0000> No || Relies on tracker. || || gnome-font-viewer || Font Browser ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || gnome-logs || Log Viewer ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || gnome-maps || Maps ||<:#FFFF00> Proposed || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-June/004971.html|Proposed for inclusion]]. Uncertainty surrounding use of Mapbox tiles into the future. || || gnome-music || Music Player ||<:#FF0000> No || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-August/005095.html|Discussion about inclusion]]. Relies on tracker. We ship Rhythmbox instead. || || gnome-photos || Photo Manager ||<:#FF0000> No || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-August/005095.html|Discussion about inclusion]]. Relies on tracker. We ship Shotwell instead. || || gnome-screenshot || Screenshot Tool ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || gnome-software || App Manager ||<:#00FF00> Yes || Default since 16.04 LTS. || || gnome-system-monitor || System Monitor ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || gnome-terminal || Terminal ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || gnome-todo || Task Tracker ||<:#00FF00> Yes || Default since 18.04 LTS. || || gnome-weather || Weather Tool ||<:#FFFF00> Proposed || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-June/004988.html|Proposed for inclusion]]. || || nautilus || File manager ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || simple-scan || Document Scanner ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || sushi || File Previewer ||<:#FFFF00> Proposed || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-June/004970.html|Proposed for inclusion]]. || || totem || Video Player ||<:#00FF00> Yes || || || yelp || Help browser||<:#00FF00> Yes || || == Other Default Apps == || App name || Type || Notes || || aisleriot || Card Game || || || checkbox || Hardware Testing Tool || || || deja-dup || Backups || || || firefox || Web Browser || epiphany is the GNOME web browser. || || gnome-mahjongg || Puzzle Game || || || gnome-mines || Puzzle Game || || || gnome-sudoku || Puzzle Game || || || gucharmap || Character Browser || GNOME uses gnome-characters by default. || || libreoffice-writer || Document Writer || || || libreoffice-calc || Spreadsheet || || || libreoffice-impress || Presentations || || || remmina || Remote Desktop || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-June/004981.html|Proposed for removal]]. Used to ship Vinagre, but users preferred Remmina. gnome-boxes is working on functionality that will make it a replacement for Remmina. || || rhythmbox || Music Player || GNOME uses gnome-music by default. || || shotwell || Photo Manager || GNOME uses gnome-photos by default. || || thunderbird || Email Client || There are a number of GNOME email clients being developed, but none has gained core app status. || || transmission-gtk || !BitTorrent Client || || || usb-creator-gtk || Startup Disk Creator || || || xdiagnose || Diagnostic Tool || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-June/004980.html|Proposed for removal]]. || || xterm || Terminal || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-July/005059.html|Proposed for removal]]. ||