<> ||<>|| = Introduction = ## Please provide a general introduction to your distribution. ## Any uniqueness of your distribution. ## Who might be interested in using your distribution. Guadalinex is an Ubuntu-based distribution developed by the government of Andalucia (in Spain) and designed to show free software power. Last Ubuntu stable version is deeply debugged. translated to spanish and pushed a step further to make it even easier to non-tech users. = Contact Information = ## List the contact information for your distribution: Web site, Mailing-lists, IRC channels and any other communication channels that may apply. Provide a link to the Launchpad page as a Team Member list if applicable. Consider how people will get in touch with you based on the contact information you supply. http://www.guadalinex.org = Audience = ## List a more detailed assessment of your distribution's target audience: Target audience, approximate audience size, specific audience needs. * Education: more than 230.000 computers (within a huge network) * Telecenters: 637 centers * Home users = Mission = ## Please provide you distribution's mission statement. * Make Free Software easy for home users * Save money in official projects = Goals = ##Please provide information about your distributions goals and development road map. = Collaboration Focuses = ## Please list the areas in which you are interested in working more closely with Ubuntu. ---- [[CategoryDerivativeTeam]]