

Ubuntu-Secured-Remix is a slightly improved Ubuntu ISO designed especially to install&use Ubuntu in dual-boot with Windows (or MacOS):

  • same functionalities as the normal Ubuntu, but also :
  • automatically backup of the MBRs when installing Ubuntu (Clean-Ubiquity), which is highly recommended for dual-boot Ubuntu-Windows (or MacOS)

  • integrates OS-Uninstaller (tool to uninstall any Operating System from your PC)

  • integrates Boot-Repair (tool to repair the PC boot)


Contact Information

All remarks/questions can be sent to: https://launchpad.net/~yannubuntu


Ubuntu-Secured-Remix is created to help any Ubuntu user, and any Windows/MacOS user willing to try Ubuntu.


Letting people install Ubuntu without loosing their MBR, and providing boot-related tools (Boot-Repair and OS-Uninstaller) until these 3 functionalities are included officially in Ubuntu.


Road map: providing a new ISO release based on the last stable Ubuntu version, each time that a major stable version of Clean-Ubiquity or Boot-Repair is released.

Collaboration Focuses

This distribution aims at working closely with Ubuntu to include the 3 tools (Clean-Ubiquity, Boot-Repair and OS-Uninstaller) in Ubuntu ISOs.


DerivativeTeam/Derivatives/Ubuntu-Secured-Remix (last edited 2012-03-27 11:10:05 by AOrleans-151-1-18-14)