Log of UDS Maverick sessions

This is a concatenation of the gobby documents for each session held during the UDS for Maverick in Belgium. Some notes are missing, due to a gobby incident during the first part of the week.

DX Roundtable

Plan for this week * indicator sessions

* Unity

* Multi touch



1. Scope of work for Maverick

Status; Timeframe; Who's involved

2. Walkthrough the new menu

Questions from awe:

3. Main use-cases

Suggestion from repete:

4. Issues

Whether/when should we reconnect to a network that you have explicitly disconnected from? - suggestion (principle of least surprise): if the user said disconnect, do not reconnect automatically

4. Action items

2nd session on connman

(thanks Mikkel for the backup!)

ConnMan for Ubuntu UNE 10.10

Agenda for the session


Scope for Maverick

Maverick scope

DX Scope

 ---------------------   ---------------------  
 | network indicator |   |                   |  
 |-------------------|   | perfs/settings UI |  
 | network menu      |   |                   |  
 ---------------------   ---------------------  

"layer-cake" (warning: crude ascii-art)

 ----------------     ----------------      ------------- 
 |              |     |  Connection- |      |           | 
 | wpa-supplic. | --> |  Manager     |   -> |   ofono   | 
 ----------------     |--------------|  /   |           | 
                      | ofono plugin | -    |           | 
                      ----------------      ------------- 

out of scope for Maverick

Test plan

HW testing

Scripts / programs to facilitate testing

Integration work items

Backup plan

DX delivery scope

(and content of the PPA)

On ensuring that NM continues working (and potentialy fixing integration issues), OEM/tony will help.

Action items

* [platform] - ensure CM & NM can be installed at the same time; ensure they cannot run at the same time - A2 * Pete will check which VPNs are often requested * [DX] Create a lucid PPA containing dev. packages * [DX] publish that PPA in the blueprint thus any subscribers get informed * [DX] add test scripts later in the cycle * [DX] raise the QA team attention about NM, ie raise the priority of integration bugs * [desktop/chrisccoulson] getting wpa 0.7 by A2 * [desktop] make MIR request for ofono * [DX/desktop] migration of crendentials? * Check that the NetworkManager emulation done by ConnMan keeps apps happy * Kalle: prioritized work list shared with connman maililng list * Assess wpasupplicant 0.7's impact on NetworkManager * seb128 wants someone to maintain the NetworkManager stack (packaging + code)

sameo's prioritized work list

Sameo also notes that Meego recommends and ships wpasupplicant 0.7

Material for the discussion

missing features (before session):

needed for testing (before session):


Agenda for the session

User feedback

First, the feedback was positive! Wink ;)

* account dialog, was unclear when the first thing it displayed was flickr, whereas Twitter immediately rang a bell(someone correct my poor english?) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeMenu#Use cases * People didn't necessarily understand what Ubuntu One was for in the me menu

* need a char. counter * need a better feedback mechanism: having a notification saying "message sent"

* don't understand what the broadcast field is about * confused by menu entries ("broadcast" accounts)

Bugs: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-me/+bugs

2. Phase 1 - fixing the bugs

This will include: - ui improvements

- gwibber changes

- the "about-me" question

Consider allowing users to set alternate apps for me menu integration, perhaps set in System>Preferences>Preferred Applications (needs someone that cares to submit a merge request)

Bug discussion:

3. Phase 2 - me menu v2 research - further user research - potential items

4. Work Items


Scheduling, we'll see that on Friday

For A2 (phase 1)

For A3

For A4 - 11.04


1. New Sound Menu V2 design


The sound menu becomes a category indicator.

Mark comments that the driver behind turning the sound menu into a category indicator was to be able to control m.p. working in the background, ie without a visible UI.

Question on totem integration:

The main new feature for the v2 design, is to let music players to be able to register in the sound menu

Comment on the current version of the spec:

2. How to implement?

Registration process

Artwork export (discussion between Conor & the RB author) - can someone record the discussion outcome?

MPRIS support

3. Misc would there be any change of icon to the sound icon itself to signify that it has control over the player? It seems like that rhythmbox..etc would be added to the sound menu but the user wouldnt know it was put there. - not in scope for Maverick (but id expect a bug report about that)

Comment from the audience (gense): many people use YouTube as their main source of music * we're not targetting webapp integration with this API * however totem has a good YouTube plugin that supports that source, for the "YouTube generation"

Question: how to deal with HW keys (play, pause, etc.)? * just like it does at the moment * note: check if that's the case, in particular when there are multiple players running, or whether it's something that is not supported across the board

Banshee collects a lot of data from users (500.000 users) about resolution and so on: could be used to adjust the interface.

Action Items

* mark: will update the spec to reflect the discussion on the volume management feature (ie, when switching between different apps) * distro-patch for fixing the sink switch bug (#??? conor: can you add a bug reference for this action?) * other scheduling aspects (service registration API, indicator widget) will be considered on Friday during the roundtable with Desktop


Re-phrasing the goal for Maverick: - HW/low-level enablement in Lucid: meant for people who wanted to start developing on MT - Toolkit enablement and dev. environment (libs, etc.) for application developers; with a few key MT applications used to "test" the stack - in order to get many more MT apps in M+1

HW support

* N-trig * Wacom * Stantum * Synaptic


schematic of involved modules (layer-cake)

 (top to bottom)                              
         |                      (apps/libs)   
        GTK (gesture?)                        
       /          \                           
      /            \                          
   X11            touchd  mt-evdev (gesture?) 
    ^                ^      /                 
    |                |     /                  
    |                |    /     (userland)    
    |                |  /       (kernel)      
    |                | /                      

=== module status ===
 - kernel-events   |  - devinfos  | - management of device 
                   |              | - firmware             
                   |              |                        
       Ok!         |      Ok!     |   Missing!             

=== ===

Kernel level

driver locking issues

Features for Maverick

Selecting key apps that could take advantage of MT * unity * inkscape * evince * chrome

Language selection * rafy's python library * pymt

Toolkit integration, more complex (in particular the patchsets and dev. versions mentioned yesterday)

Touch daemon * should connect to evdev * export events

Action items Design & implement



Missing gobby document: if you have a copy of that document, please mail me.


Missing gobby document: if you have a copy of that document, please mail me.


1. Review of the lucid effort

jorge: for Maverick, we really need to finish this effort, have all applications supported.

List of work items for fixing / extending app. indicator: - fix the gtk menu updates (signal) issue (fixes gnome-bt); has a gtk patch waiting for review - fix issue related to the virt-mgr patch (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virt-manager/+bug/525462)

List of work items to port applications: - hplip support, there is a patch: the change is not working correctly and need to be reviewed again - rhythmbox: the current change has issues but is going to be deprecated by the new sound indicator - banshee: the indicator is in an optional binary, need to be installed and then activated in the preferences dialog, situation is buggy and in such cases it would be better to delay the change than to ship something buggy - vino: patch needs to be reviewed and updated - liferea: there is a patch (see http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/05/add-lifrea-feed-reader-to-messaging.html) - gnome-power-manager: update the patch to shorten the label - apport: need to be ported

Superseded - conman - ibus

Community aspects https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-m-app-indicator - freedesktop discussions; stalled - gnome adoption

- bugs review

2. For Maverick - new features

- missing apps to target (see actions above)


Re-phrasing the goal for Maverick: - HW/low-level enablement in Lucid: meant for people who wanted to start developing on MT - Toolkit enablement and dev. environment (libs, etc.) for application developers; with a few key MT applications used to "test" the stack - in order to get many more MT apps in M+1

HW support

* N-trig * Wacom * Stantum * Synaptic


schematic of involved modules (layer-cake)


module status

=== ===

Kernel level

driver locking issues

Features for Maverick

Selecting key apps that could take advantage of MT * unity * inkscape * evince * chrome

Language selection * rafy's python library * pymt

Toolkit integration, more complex (in particular the patchsets and dev. versions mentioned yesterday)

Touch daemon * should connect to evdev * export events

Action items Design & implement




Work items for Maverick

Integration tasks for Maverick

Community outreach:





How can we share the timezone map with the installer? - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/annotate/head:/ubiquity/timezone_map.py - http://people.canonical.com/~evand/screenshots/ubiquity/10.04-RC/2-ubiquity-10.04-RC-timezone.png - maybe an IDO widget with bindings for Python (ubiquity) and C (indicator-time)

We won't schedule time for "Set Alarm..." for Maverick, but if anyone wants to implement it that would be fabulous

converting Evolution's notification-area advertisement of upcoming events will be covered in NotificationAreaTransition

What time is it where didrocks is? - maybe this belongs in Empathy instead


Agenda for the session


Main differences with the other teams, like Desktop

* Short retrospective

* Rhythms * Processes * Tools * Misc.

* For SRUs (like 10.04.1)

Test Plans

* use of the "use-case mapper" tool *

* a good test plan is not all, need to actually drive the test process


* need special help during Maverick - critical change

* IMPORTANT: need to preserve a working NM configuration, even if other packages are changed as part of the Connman move

* re-use the process that worked well for bryce or pitti * 2nd phase: use the HW database or the certification database

* HW testing

* SW testing

Actions items: * [dbarth] define milestones for Lucid updates * [qa, desktop, dx qa] use the milestones for Friday's bugs * [dbarth] try to attend the weekly QA meeting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings * [kalle] list set of configurations to test * [kalle] script to test a feature * [kalle] test plan: step by step, expected results, packages (ppa, as a form of "test data")

Work items:




Review of the design

Design change suggestions:

Question: is that a category indicator; Answer: no, this is not, ie there is just one sub-system contributing items in this menu (upower)


Brainstorm about the best options to implement the indicator

2 options considered

1. separate indicator service, based on upower

2. "fix" gpm

Discussion with the gpm maintainer

Plaform updates

* investigate how upower / gpm compute the time left * ensure upower is able to give correct prediction for time left

Action Items * [DX] talk to richard (hughsie) * suggest the cpu warning feature for gpm * [DX] consider * A2 [DX] Change the menuitem string * A3 [DX] implement gpm preferences changes * A3-A4 [DX] Add extra menuitems to the menu

DX / Desktop Roundtable

Agenda for the session

Review of the blueprints

DesktopExperienceTeam/MaverickUDSLog (last edited 2010-05-19 12:59:19 by 188)