For minutes of previous meetings, please see DesktopTeam/DevelopmentMeeting.




Outstanding actions from last meeting

ACTION: pitti/seb128 to investigate seahorse package size and reduce it so it can be seeded.

ACTION: GUADEC and LCA attendance requests

MIR for main promotions

seb128 asked whether the main promotions discussed last week should have MIR, pitti felt they should at least have bugs and that he checked the packages himself and they were ok.

ACTION: seb128 to file necessary bugs

Keep tracker enabled for LTS?

mdz has asked whether we should keep tracker enabled by default for the LTS release given that the user experience is currently not ideal. seb128 indicated that user feedback has been generally good, and after a short discussion of mdz's problems, it could have been that he had at some point during gutsy development opened deskbar-applet's preferences before the switch was made to live search by default (thus saving the preferences so they wouldn't be migrated).

The desktop search experience will be reviewed at the sprint to ensure that we're not using a lot of the user's computer power for something that does not give them a benefit.

Sprint planning

Reminder was issued to ensure any plans for the sprint are added to the agenda. Time will be taken to speak to each team member about spec progress and 8.10 plans.


Previous calls for volunteers to maintain this had been met with silence, so a further call was made. Pitti indicated that he had touched it last, and MacSlow expressed some interest in the graphics parts and in future development. Looking through it added to the sprint agenda.

ACTION: pitti and MacSlow to add themselves as usplash bug contacts.

LTS status

seb128 confirmed that the new gdm will not be ready in time for 8.04 LTS, and MacSlow concurred that the specs were targeted for 8.10 now.

seb128 also mentioned that the gvfs-enabled nautilus is on shaky ground at the moment (discussed in this week's platform team meeting) and asked whether it would impact any of the desktop team's work.

Activity reports

Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)

Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)

Martin Pitt (pitti)

Hardy spec assignments

Unfixed milestoned bugs



Random whine/straw poll of the day: I spent more than 9 hours this week on email, and this is not excessively above the average (and I still have a backlog). Is that as bad for other people, or am I doing something wrong?

Michael Vogt (mvo)





Mirco Müller (MacSlow)


Ted Gould (tedg)




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DesktopTeam/DevelopmentMeeting/2008-01-17 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:31 by localhost)