For minutes of previous meetings, please see DesktopTeam/Meeting.
- Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) - chair
- Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
- Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
- Martin Pitt (pitti)
- Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
- Michael Vogt (mvo)
Mirco Müller (MacSlow)
- Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
- Ted Gould (tedg)
- Pedro Villavicencio Garrido (pedro_)
- Outstanding actions from last meeting
- Review activity reports
- Any other business
Outstanding actions from last meeting
Actions from this meeting
Activity reports
Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
- Spent the week testing RC candidates and fixing bugs found
- Add resize widget to ubiquity kde_ui, various other ubiquity fixes
- Fixes to system-config-printer-kde
- Adding ppds to seeds
- Change cdimage to create DVDs from dvd seeds
Next week:
- RC testing and release
- 8.04 testing and release
Milestoned bugs:
- 210443 "file overwrite error in hardy" fix in queue
- 218393 "[kde4] /sbin not included in ubuntu user's PATH environmental" to be investigated
209220 "HP DeskJet 5550 not supported in Hardy" fix in queue
Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
- worked on gdm some more
- fixed screensaver bug, human-theme bug
- updated one laptop and installed another fresh
- worked on folder icon ideas, mimetype base, 2d panel icons
- OOo splash and about screen variants with Sun logo finished
Martin Pitt (pitti)
(I did not send a report last Wednesday due to conference leave)
Unfixed milestoned bugs:
207151 (PolicyKit ptrace protection), 209416 (fsck failure handling), 216151 (apport-cli total breakage): Fixed packages waiting in unapproved
- 208026 (gnome-appearance-properties asks for reboot if you cancel driver install): no time yet, on my plan next week; we need to agree on defined jockey exit codes and g-a-p's interpretation; no technical difficulties
- Bug triage, bug fixing, CD testing
- Helped out with release management
- Integrated Alex' po2xpi scripts into langpack-o-matic, so that from now on, automatic langpacks will have Firefox translations \o/
- Bought train tickets for Prague
- Continued jockey development (in my free time), growing an XML-RPC database client now
- Attended LF collaboration summit, see separate trip report
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
No Ubuntu work this week, busy with Launchpad.
Michael Vogt (mvo)
- broken shift-alt-tab keybinding (#150702)
- freeze exception requested for simple-ccsm/ccsm
- uploaded the 0.7.4 compiz stack into hardy
- Merged/review/upload compizconfig-settings-manager i18n fix
Debug/fix upgrader bug for dapper->hardy cdrom upgrades where it updates itself to edgy instead of hardy
debug why language-support-$foo dapper->hardy get held back and add quirks handler for this
- ugrade testing (manual, automatic)
debug why the qt debconf frontend crashes on gutsy->hardy upgrades and add workaround into the upgrader (libnvidia tls/non-tls problem) (#205079)
Fix bad gksu prompt on hardy->$foo update
- debug/fix upgrade problem with mail-notification (libgmime transition)
Work on pam/debconf/perl gutsy->hardy upgrade problem and add fix by relaxing liblocale-gettext-perl dependencies (#217435)
- update x11-common to not fail if /usr/X11R6/bin is not empty and sent debdiff to tjaalton
work on acpid restart patch (#63450) - not added yet, because it hangs for me on test upgrade (gutsy->hardy)
- debug/fix upgrade failure in the data center with bzr backport
- fix broken _() and unfuzzy string in fi.po
- Fix bug in sources.list handling
- brought up "--force-overwrite" by default in the server team meeting and added it to dist-uprader in server mode too
- bug triage
- Install libpam-smbpass in nautilus-share (#208419)
- command-not-found-data updated
- fixes in app-install-data
- new friendly-recovery
- fix gnome-app-install icon scaling bug
- fixes in apturl
- Reviewed/merged/uploaded gnome-app-install-data change from asac for firefox
- Mered arne language-selector changes (update-notifier notes) and add support into the makefiles to make them translatable
Milestoned bugs: 63450 acpid install fails (because of hal running)
- - in progress, hal restart fails in my tests currently
162441 improve download cancel handling
- - mostly cosmetic
183209 doesn't let user examine installation process any more
- - user(s) how want to see the terminal, mostly cosmetic
211120 hardy upgrade breaks on tzdata
- - most likely a duplicate of #217435 (that got fixed last week)
154272 Visual indication when final release comes out
- - cosmetic
Mirco Müller (MacSlow)
Spec-related work (gdm-face-browser):
- trying to solve an "unsupported version 0 of Verneed record"-error from svn while updating gdm from subversion (probably from failing harddisk, see below)
- problems with enter/leave-events on actors to achieve "pulsating" on mouse-overs
- clutter_effect_*() turned out to be not flexible enough to allow looping timelines, had to move to full-blown setup of alpha/behaviour/timeline
- layout-algorithm not fully working yet, bounds of surrounding rectangle are sometimes exceeded
- drop-shadow rendering a bit too heavy, need to restrict it to using only two additional images
- needed to replace failing harddisk in my desktop-machine, had to move much data between partitions, evolution- and browser-settings still not moved yet
- update of my laptop to linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16 caused it to be non-bootable, took some time to solve this
Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
- did some extra GNOME updates
- desktop bugs triage
- lot of bugs fixing and patches backporting for hardy
- sponsored some uploads
- upgraded some boxes from gutsy to hardy
- daily cds testing
Ted Gould (tedg)
- Final GPM packages
- Bugs, bugs and more bugs. Nothing major so far.
- Continuing to work on whitepaper
- Off on Friday
- Helping with GNOME SoC, potential cool stuff for Intrepid
- Signed up for Ubuntu Open Week slot
- Started outlining Ubuntu Live talk
Back to DesktopTeam.