
Ubuntu One provides capabilities for the Ubuntu desktop as well as extended capabilities via optional online services. Integrating Ubuntu One capabilities with the Ubuntu desktop will provide storage sharing & synchronization (using the Ubuntu One online service), screen sharing, and data (contacts, notes, Firefox bookmarks) sharing & synchronization via CouchDB.

Release Note


User stories

Data Sharing & Synchronization


Bookmarks (Firefox)

File Sharing & Synchronization

Screen Sharing


File Sharing & Synchronization

File sharing and syncronization allows users to share and synchronize files using an Ubuntu One online service. Sharing across a users LAN is not planned for Karmic.

The Ubuntu One client will no longer use a client applet (as is the case with the current beta). Instead, the client will use downloads, FUSA, and standard Ubuntu messaging indicators.


Screen Sharing

Provides screen sharing between two desktops using Empathy, Telepathy. The "Share My Desktop" dialog will be unaffected. An optional Ubuntu One service will provide a proxy (utilizing ejabberd on the server) to allow users to more easily share their screens across the Internet.


Data Sharing & Synchronization


Overview: Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. CouchDB is the database for Ubuntu One data sharing and synchronization capabilities.

Erlang is the language and runtime environment for CouchDB. Work will be done to trim the Erlang package so that it is as small as possible to run CouchDB and other applications dependent on the Erlang runtime.

Each user will run their own instance of CouchDB, which is different than the standard install of the current CouchDB package. There is also a need to setup various CouchDB configuration files, design docs, and triggers. Additional capabilities will be added to CouchDB, including OAuth support and document history.

In order for developers to more easily use CouchDB in their applications, we will provide libraries for a variety of languages and environments, including Python, DBUS, and GTK (GLib).

A new desktop application will be developed to allow users to easily share and synchronize their data (contacts, notes, bookmarks, etc.) stored in CouchDB between Ubuntu computers on their local network.



Providing a CouchDB contacts database that all Ubuntu applications can use is one of the key applications of the Ubuntu One data sharing and synchronization capability. Integration with Evolution and Akonadi will provide the ability to store contacts in CouchDB. By default, Evolution and Akonadi will continue to use their current contact data store. Users will be able to choose to store their Evolution or Akonadi contacts in CouchDB. There will also be a contacts API for Python and DBUS, which will allow developers to use the CouchDB contacts database without worrying about the underlying details of CouchDB and the contacts schema.


Bookmarks (Firefox)

A Firefox bookmarks synchronization and sharing extension will store Firefox bookmarks in CouchDB, which will provide sharing and synchronization capabilities.



The packages below include the Python OAuth library and a tool for managing Ubuntu One configurations.



Code Changes

Test/Demo Plan


Unresolved issues

This should highlight any issues that should be addressed in further specifications, and not problems with the specification itself; since any specification with problems cannot be approved.

BoF agenda and discussion


DesktopTeam/Specs/Karmic/IntegratingWithUbuntuOne (last edited 2009-07-15 13:54:04 by cpe-75-187-149-245)