=== Start File Roller === 1. Start File Roller from the launcher or desktop overview :)) The program is opened and reports that no archive is open. === Create an archive === 1. Use Ctrl+n or navigate the main menu to "New Archive". Type a name with an archive extension, e.g. u.tar. 1. Use the + button to add some stuff to it. :)) {{{tar tf u.tar}}} lists the files that were added in the previous step. === Inspect an archive === 1. {{{wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+sourcefiles/file-roller/44.3-1/file-roller_44.3.orig.tar.xz}}}. 1. {{{file-roller file-roller_44.3.orig.tar.xz}}}. :)) File Roller opens and you after entering file-roller-44.3 you see its source tree. :)) Alt+Return or 'main menu -> Properites' identifies the archive as an application/x-xz-compressed-tar. === Extract an archive === 1. Click the 'extract' button on the upper left corner. 1. Choose '/tmp' as the target location. :)) Dialog says that extraction completed successfully. 1. Click show the files. :)) Your file manager opens and displays the /tmp directory. The file-roller-44.3 directory is inside. === Alter an archive's contents === 1. Select any file, right-click it and rename. :)) {{{tar tf file-roller_44.3.orig.tar.xz}}} reflects the rename. ---- CategoryDesktopTestPlans