=== Install the packages === {{{ $ sudo apt install libcamera-tools gstreamer1.0-libcamera }}} === Check that your camera is listed === {{{ $ cam -l }}} === Capture an image === {{{ $ cam --camera=1 --capture=1 --file=image.jpg }}} === Verify that the captured image is correct === {{{ $ eog image.jpg }}} === Check that the gstreamer plugin is working === {{{ $ gst-launch-1.0 libcamerasrc ! videoconvert ! autovideosink }}} (you might need to specify a camera-name=... if more than 1 camera is available) === Run the camera compliance tests === {{{ $ lc-compliance -c "camera_name" }}} (you can get "camera_name" by doing `lc-compliance 2>&1 | tail -n 1 | cut -c 3-`, and yes the name is slightly confusing and include the leading \_ chars) === Try an application using libcamera === To be added once we have a client software available in the archive ---- CategoryDesktopTestPlans