
Since pipewire-media-session doesn't include a testsuite nor autopkgtests we will follow a manual testplan to verify updates.

Currently we are not using pipewire as a sound server so its use is limited to screen recording and sharing.


  • Ensure a GNOME session, gnome-remote-desktop and pipewire-media-session are installed.
  • Log into the GNOME session

Testing screen recording

  • Hit Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R

-> a red circle icon should be displayed in the top panel indicating recording has started

  • Hit Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R again

-> the circle should be removed

The recording should be available in the standard xdg Video directory (~/Video in english)

Testing screen sharing

  • Go to settings -> Sharing

  • Enable sharing in the headbar if needed
  • Click on Screen Sharing to enable it, check that remote login is enabled

On another machine

  • Install a VNC client on another machine
  • Try to connect to your linux desktop

-> The desktop should prompt to allow access, one accepted the VNC client should be able to see the session


DesktopTeam/TestPlans/PipewireMediaSession (last edited 2022-11-03 13:13:32 by jbicha)