#format wiki #language en ####created by DerrickLamers and edited by many#### <> |||| || '''Ubuntu Detroit Local Community Team Page''' || || Ubuntu Detroit is a group of local community members gathered to to advocate the Ubuntu Linux Operating System. Ubuntu Detroit get's their inspiration from open source software, and uses this to aide in the process of marketing throughout the Detroit area. || || || || '''Table of Contents''' || || <> || == Team Info == The '''Ubuntu Detroit Lo``Co Team''' is an organization created via the LoCoTeam guidelines for the Ubuntu Community, by providing support, advocacy, and guidance to the Ubuntu community. The '''Ubuntu Detroit Lo``Co Team''' will utilize the structure, standards, and tools created and provided by the various teams within the Ubuntu community, as well as performing tasks above and beyond those expected in order to maintain competency among the community. == Ubuntu Detroit Local Community Team == The '''Ubuntu Detroit Lo``Co Team''' is a sub-team of the [[MichiganTeam|Ubuntu Michigan LoCo Team]]. == Team Status == The '''Ubuntu Detroit Lo``Co Team''' is up and running in full stride. If you are interested in becoming a member of the '''Ubuntu Detroit Lo``Co Team''', please add your info to the [[DetroitTeam/TeamList|Team List]] page as well as the [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-detroit|Launchpad page]]. == Team Contact == Interested parties can contact the Ubuntu Chicago Team via the following: * '''Webpage:''' http://ubuntu.ecybris.com * '''Planet:''' http://planet.chi.ubuntu-us.org ({{{blog agregator}}}) * '''Launchpad:''' https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-detroit * '''E-mail:''' <> * '''Mailing List:''' https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-detroit * '''View List:''' https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-detroit * '''IRC:''' * ~-'''Server:'''-~ {{{chat.freenode.net}}} * ~-'''Port:'''-~ {{{8001}}} * ~-'''Channel:'''-~ {{{#ubuntu-detroit}}} == All Subpages == <> CategoryUbuntuTeams