== Adam Conrad (infinity) == Done * live-cd-stacked-filesystems, larger-livefs: More work done here, not quite ready for production. * Spent lots more time wrangling with Team Soyuz about bugs and features, old and new. * General archive maintenance tasks. * Helped with Knot-2, including babysitting the DBUS transition, and driving the soyuz machinery by hand for a couple of days, as we massage things through how we wanted them. * General buildd maintenance, as per the status quo. * Random bugfix uploads, build failure chasing, new LRM, and other faff. To do * Still need to put the pieces together for ddeb publishing, preferably during a week when pitti isn't on vacation. * Finish any specs I really want for edgy before Feature Freeze. Go me. == Ben Collins (BenC) == Done * ... To do * ... == Chuck Short (zul) == Done * kernel-security updates for hoary,breezy * Bug triaging To do * External drivers for Xen * More bug triaging == Colin Watson (Kamion) == Done: * dapper-point-release-process: Done. (Ages ago, but I haven't been at a meeting since then.) * ubiquity-advanced-partitioner: I'm working hard on this, but there's a good chance that it won't be ready by feature freeze. In that case, we can fall back on the current externally-invoked partitioners; I'll keep working on it and we can drop it in for edgy+1. I've made it so that it can be switched on and off with an environment variable for easier testing. * no-more-devfs: Implemented bar the shouting; there are two more patches to go in after Knot-2, and then we can kill udev support for devfs. * misc: Lots of other stuff done at the sprint, including resurrecting backports, writing a CD image health checker, and wiring up ubiquity with apport. Spent most of yesterday fixing the nasty gparted bug #54474. To do: * ubiquity-advanced-partitioner: Get as far as I can before feature freeze. * no-more-devfs: Clean up the pieces. * livecd-access: Test and upload sound support for heno; I have the code theoretically written. * cdrom-based-dist-upgrades: Add upgrader to CD images. == Daniel Holbach (dholbach) == Done * BUG TRIAGE * worked on icon and telepathy bits * started on automatic artwork building To do * GNOME 2.16.0 next week * more BUG TRIAGE == Fabio Di Nitto (fabbione) == Done * ... To do * ... == Frank Schoep (fschoep) == Done: * firefox-themes-ubuntu: ported code from Firefox 1 to Firefox 2 * cd-dvd-media-artwork: deferred * theme-teams: assist final artwork production * community artwork: get producing * sound-themes: decide direction, produce more complete sets of sounds Ongoing: * ubuntu-art-polish-human-icons: branch and update iconprio file * art-polish-human-gtk-theme: decide on improvements * community-artwork: package initial versions * sound-themes: package initial sounds * ubuntu-art-complete-highcon-icons: create missing High Contrast icons (found a volunteer) == Henrik Omma (heno) == Done * Orca - It's great to see it on the live CD! I've done some testing and have helped several blind users with testing with advice and a HOWTO * Dicussions with Orca upstream on better ways of integrating it with the Ubuntu desktop (so that it doesn't get in people's way) * onBoard - Met Chris for va status meeting yesterday. We are hoping to get this through universe and into main during the next few days. Advice appreciated. * Finally got rolling with some desktop bug triage today * Other: Preparing the release of the OpenCD v4 To do * Make final decision on Orca placement within the Gnome menu structure. If a few annoyances are not addressed (from Orca) we may leave out the menu item (this is not as bad as it sounds because blind users often prefer to launch things from the command prompt anyway) * Get onBoard into main and on the CD * theOpenCD release foo * More bug triage == Ian Jackson (iwj) == Done * ... To do * ... == Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) == * done: * distro sprint * processing e-mail backlog gathered during feature period * knot 2 testing * artwork packaging * blocked: * ruby * kubuntu-accessibility: needs changes in casper by mithrandir * todo: * updates to kubuntu-power-management * gather up list of priority bugs for edgy (and fix them) * KDE 4 packages == Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) == Done * In addition to fixing parts of the work already included (kdm, power manager icons,, etc.) I whipped up an amarok theme (thingking about using a totally different one though). * Started to play with the different versions of the gradients. people like purple! (some like the yellow/orange more than others). To do * In the end all of this is linked together, as the same colors are used in many different pieces of the artwork. Working on moving the entire theme to a blue-purple gradient and see peoples reactions. * Andreas Lloyd will be at my home tomorrow, anthropologizing me :-) == Martin Pitt (pitti) == VACATION == Matthias Klose (doko) == Done * ... To do * ... == Michael Vogt (mvo) == Done * ... To do * ... == Oliver Grawert (ogra) == Done * ... To do * ... == Rodrigo Novo (rodarvus) == Done: * Return from developers Sprint, recovering from X incident * Ubuntu OLPC headhunting (two positions, ping me if you know someone) * work on fully-automatic-swap-server * Ubuntu OLPC administrativia To do: * X security updates are possibly needed, need to check those with pitti * finish fully-automatic-swap-server (hopefully today) * more headhunting * Lots of documentation and administrativia for Ubuntu OLPC * Some X.Org uploads (driver updates, last aiglx modifications) * X "current status" email, describing whats done, whats missing, and what would be nice to have for edgy+1 (so someone can pick up from here) == Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) == Done: * ReplacementInit: in the archive, working on full compatibility for sysvinit so that we can replace that package with only elmo noticing * BootMessageLogging: stalled pending completion of RI (which implements it) To do: * Figure out what I'm doing to the console that kills X * Split sysvinit into sysvinit and sysvutils (pidof, killall5, last, etc.) * Upload upstart that c/r sysvinit == Sebastien Bacher (seb128) == Done * played with aiglx, compiz, etc * packaged goocanvas, pygoocanvas, looked at uslab (contributor work on the new panel applet from Novel) * bug triage, bug triage, bug triage * some GNOME updates and desktop bugs fixed To do * keep bug triaging * GNOME 2.16.0 == Simon Law (sfllaw) == Done * ... To do * ... == Tollef Fog Heen (Mithrandir) == * sane-installer-keyboard: needs d-i upload, will do post-knot, as well as testing * live-cd-write-as-you-go: no progress, will rescue * livecd-sessions: defer * misc: knot-2 release preparations - almost there now. * next week: live-cd-write-as-you-go: get it implemented, get the kde accessibility stuff implemented ---- CategoryTemplate