=== Developer Membership Board Meeting, 2010-04-13 === Chair: Emmet Hikory<
> Present: Cody Somerville, Søren Hansen, Richard Johnson, Michael Bienia, Colin Watson<
> Apologies:  Stéphane Graber<
> ==== Action Review ====  * persia contacts Angel Abad about his application: contact attempted no feedback received  * complete the application of Jonathan Thomas : Confirmed as core-dev, 4 in favour, 3 deferring  * complete the application of Matt Trudel: Deferred as MOTU, 2 in favour, 4 deferring, 1 against ==== Administrative Matters ==== ===== Appropriate body to handle requests for new development teams =====  * Interested parties should engage in the active thread on the mailing list  * https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-April/000184.html ===== Interpretation of votes ===== The DMB determined to use the following guidelines to accept or defer candidates by a vote of 5 in favour, 1 abstaining, 1 absent:  1. Any applicant must surpass a threshold of +4 to be confirmed  1. Any positive vote adds 1 to the vote count per individual voter  1. Any negate vote subtracts 1 from the vote count per individual voter  1. Any zero vote does not affect the vote count ===== Ensuring transparency of applications take to email ===== If an application is taken to email, the tallied votes will be posted to the devel-permissions@lists.ubuntu.com mailing list ===== Application Process and public notification times =====  * Agreed that applications should continue to have a one week public notice peiod before being heard in a meeting  * ACTION: persia to make documentation on application notice clearer ==== PerPackageUploader: Krzysztof Klimonda ====  * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KrzysztofKlimonda/TransmissionPPUApplication  * Krzysztof has been maintaining transmission for a long time now, and was approved unanimously to be able to upload directly.  Welcome! ==== Select a Chair for the next meeting ====  * Cody Somerville will chair the 27th April meeting === Developer Membership Board Meeting, 2010-04-27 === Chair: Cody Somerville<
> Present: Søren Hansen, Richard Johnson, Michael Bienia, Colin Watson, Stéphane Graber<
> Apologies: <
> ==== Action Review ==== * persia contacts [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AngelAbad|Angel Abad]] about his application: Dropping action for Persia to contact Angel, he will hope to catch him another time time though. * persia to make documentation on application notice clearer: Persia will work on DMB Application Process page further if people think it's still unclear. Without feedback, he'll leave it alone. * geser to follow up with Sylvestre Ledru and arrange for the application to be added to the meeting agenda: Done. ==== Administrative Matters ==== ===== Accept responsibility for UbuntuDevelopers/TeamDelegation ===== * Accept responsibility for [[UbuntuDevelopers/TeamDelegation]] * LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers/TeamDelegation * LINK: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/04/20/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t15:26 * ACTION: Persia to update UbuntuDevelopers/TeamDelegation to reflect DMB's responsibilities in process. ===== Finalise application for Leann Ogasawara ===== * cjwatson already granted PPU permissions to Leann but forgot to add Leann to ubuntu-dev team. This is now corrected. * ACTION: cjwatson to create ubuntu-kernel-uploaders team owned by the DMB that will provide upload permissions to Ubuntu kernel packages. ===== Schedule of next meeting (held at UDS?) ===== * ACTION: cjwatson to schedule session at UDS for DMB meeting ==== PerPackageUploader: Alessio Igor Bogani ==== * Bogani applied for per package upload permissions for linux-rt and rt-tests. * LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlessioIgorBogani/linux-rtPPUApplication * Bogani's application was denied. * ACTION: Persia to follow up with TheMuso re: Bogani's application. ==== PerPackageUploader: Ara Pulido ==== * Pulido applied for per package upload permissions for ldtp, mago and ubuntu-qa-tools. * LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AraPulido/PerPackageUploadApplication * Pulido's application was approved. ==== PerPackageUploader: Rodrigo Moya ==== * Moya applied for per package upload permissions for couchdb-glib, evolution-couchdb, libubuntuone, rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store, tomboy, and ubuntuone-client. * LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RodrigoMoya/PerPackageUploadApplication * The DMB split this application into three separate applications: * couchdb-glib, and evolution-couchdb * libubuntuone, rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store, and ubuntuone-client * tomboy * Moya's application for couchdb-glib, and evolution-couchdb was approved. * Moya's application for libubuntuone, rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store, and ubuntuone-client deferred pending e-mail vote by Hansen and Graber. Application requires two votes to reach approval threshold. * Moya's application for tomboy deferred pending e-mail vote by Hansen and Graber. Application requires one vote to reach approval threshold. ==== UbuntuCoreDeveloper: Brandon Holtsclaw ==== * Holtsclaw applied for renewal of his Ubuntu Core Developer membership. * LINK: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BrandonHoltsclaw * Holtsclaw's application was accepted. ==== Select a Chair for the next meeting ==== * Michael Bienia will chair the 11th May meeting.