=== Developer Membership Board meeting, 2010-08-17 === Chair: Emmet Hikory Present: Colin Watson, Søren Hansen, Cody Somerville, Michael Bienia, Stéphane Graber ==== Authorisation of ubuntu-server-dev ==== Request: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2010-July/000090.html Approved: 5 in favour ==== MOTU Application for Bhavani Shankar ==== Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bhavani_Shankar/MOTUApplication Undecided: Voting: 2 in favour, 3 abstained, 2 pending ACTION: persia to call for remaining votes for coolbhavi's application ==== MOTU Application for Brian Thomason ==== Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BrianThomason/MOTUApplication Deferred: 2 in favour, 2 against ==== Other Items ==== Rapidly dimishing quorum and change of chair causes additional concerns that the current meeting time may not be the best to ensure effective treatment of issues raised before the DMB. ACTION: cjwatson to initiate discussion of different meeting times