== 2013-10-21 == * Chair: barry * Present: ScottK, Laney, micahg, tumbleweed, stgraber * Log: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-10-21-15.00.html === Review Previous Action Items === * Nothing to review. === Ben Howard PPU and Contributing Developer application === * utlemming was not present, so the application was postponed to the 2013-11-04 meeting. === AOB === * North America (among possibly other locales) will leave Daylight Savings Time before the next meeting. It was decided to keep the 1500UTC and 1900UTC meeting times, despite the change to various local times. One possible conflict will be micahg, but we will re-evaluate that if a conflict materializes. == 2013-10-07 == * Chair: Laney * Present: micahg, stgraber, tumbleweed * Log: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-10-07-19.16.log.html === Review Previous Action Items === * Nothing to review. === Chris Arges core-dev application === * Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/arges/CoreDevApplication * Should Chris J Arges join ubuntu-core-dev? * Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 4/0/0) We welcome Chris to ubuntu-core-dev. Keep up the good work! === Daniel Pocock PPU application === Daniel wasn't at the meeting. We discussed handling this application over email, and will ask Daniel if he wants to do this. === AOB === * None