== 2014-06-02 == * #ubuntu-meeting, DMB, 2nd June at 15:00 UTC * Full logs available at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-06-02-15.04.log.txt]] == Meeting summary == * Chair: Laney * Present: stgraber, bdrung, ScottK == Review of previous action items == * Create virt packageset, done by xnox/stgraber. Stéphane then fixed up the team's parameters a bit. == MOTU application: Rohan Garg (shadeslayer) == * ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/shadeslayer/MOTUDeveloperApplication * ''Vote:'' Should shadeslayer join ~motu? (Carried) * Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 4/0/0) * Voters stgraber, bdrung_work, Laney, ScottK (email) * ''ACTION:'' Laney to add shadeslayer to ~motu (done)