== 2014-03-10 == * #ubuntu-meeting: DMB, 10 Mar at 15:00 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-03-10-15.03.moin.txt]] == Meeting summary == * Chair: Stéphane Graber * Present: Iain Lane, Stefano Rivera, Barry Warsaw, Micah Gersten === Review of previous action items === All items have been done at this time. === Confirm election results (Laney) === The discussion about "Confirm election results (Laney)" started at 15:05. * ''Vote:'' Confirm the nominations of micahg, xnox and bdmurray to the DMB (Carried with 5/0/0) * ''ACTION:'' stgraber to add the new DMB members, update the IRC bot, wiki, mailing-list subscriptions, IRC ACLs, ... === Ubuntu Core dev application: Adam Stokes === Adam didn't make it to the meeting. === Ubuntu Core dev application: Serge Hallyn === The discussion about "Ubuntu Core dev application: Serge Hallyn" started at 15:12. * ''Vote:'' Serge Hallyn for Ubuntu Coredev (Carried with 5/0/0)