= Building a package = * https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid (show build/show upload) Send a source package to '''Souyz''': * go '''unapproved''' and wait for acceptance by '''archive-admin''' if freeze period. If not accepted -> '''Rejected''' (no queue) * the source go to '''NEW''' and wait in it is a '''SOURCE NEW''' if a completed new package (that is to say, sources are also new). Checked by an '''archive-admin'''. If not accepted -> '''Rejected''' * Accepted and queued for build * build (source package get status '''DONE''') * the binaries go to '''NEW''' if it is a '''BINARY NEW''' (and not a '''SOURCE NEW'''), that is to say that one of the resulting build package is new (for instance, case when we split a source package in different binaries package for the first time). In the case the regular binary will be published (for instance foo source package give foo binary and foo-new), even if foo-new is waiting its acceptance, the foo binary is available at the repo (same for debian, wait for an ack of an archive maintainer (ubuntu) / ftp-master (debian)) * and finally published (source and binaries) status '''done'''. = Build status = * chroot problem: unable to build successfully the chroot environment (network issue, upload making libc inconsistent...) * build for superseeded source: build will never be done as a new version is available at upload * Dependency waiting: wait for build depends missing = FTBFS = == giving-back == * ftbfs: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ If FTBFS a mail is sent, MOTU can ask for a new try called "giving-back". Example: archive is down, or a library is not published already and Soyuz believes it is not available... => Warning: archives have the source package that doesn't build and the binary one is the older. == Building it again uploading new package == To be able to rebuild it (even changing auto-dependencies with dh_shlibdeps, that is to say even without changing any file, this is called '''no-change rebuild''') the version need to be changed: * YUbuntu(X++) if UbuntuX exists (so that the archives and apt system will be able to diffuse it) * YBuild1 if UbuntuX does not exist (no split from Debian) to be able to merge automatically when will sync again from debian. ---- [[CategoryMOTULog]]