Important things:

(see that's a TODO line in your script). If you don't have the time, I can try to push some time to handle it as I really need it for quickly 1.0

-> didrocks: still some stuff to fix. Merged proposed (

The import line instruction is: from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad, EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT, STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT

-> didrocks: tried with rev 172 of Doesn't work (launchpadlib dep is no more in bin/quickly but in quickly/

Medium priority:

-> didrocks: hum, now, It should be 2.7 and not 2.6 Smile :)

Low priority:

ERROR: Python module tools not found
ERROR: Python module configurationhandler not found
ERROR: Python module quicklyconfig not found
ERROR: Python module tools not found
ERROR: Python module bzrbinding not found
ERROR: Python module configurationhandler not found

ok, importing module in same path without "from" instruction is bad (this is no more the case in quickly package)

Searching packages which provide required Python modules:
   gtk ... [dpkg -S found more than one package: bzr-gtk, apturl, software-properties-gtk, language-selector, python-apt, python-gtk2; ignoring] [not found]
   test ... [dpkg -S found more than one package: python-axiom, python-openssl, python-epsilon, python-nevow, python2.6, python2.5, python-coherence, python-twisted-names, python-twisted-core, python-twisted-web, python-louie, python-twisted-conch, python-foolscap; ignoring] [not found]

Not related to, but nice to have

./ clean does not clean everything:

  dist/   # wontfix, use ./ sdist -d ..

are still there (dist/ is more annoying than MANIFEST, IMHO).

-> didrocks: even ./ clean -a does not provide any good help

DidierRoche/ (last edited 2009-07-21 13:18:14 by 91)