##(see the SpecSpec for an explanation) * '''Launchpad Entry''': UbuntuSpec:other-foundations-n-disconnected-upgrade * '''Created''': 24 April 2009 * '''Contributors''': StefanoRivera * '''Packages affected''': update-manager, msttcorefonts, flashplugin-nonfree == Summary == Allow users to upgrade Ubuntu releases without necessarily being able to contact http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/. In many environments (offline / firewalled / restricted) that isn't possible, but local mirrors may be available nonetheless. == Release Note == Todo == Rationale == At the moment, an Ubuntu system can only be (release) upgraded by using apt (advanced user) or the upgrade-manager (GUI / CLI). The upgrade-manager depends on a file hosted on changelogs.ubuntu.com called meta-release, to determine whether an upgrade is possible and locate the upgrade tool tarball. This blueprint proposes that these files get moved onto normal mirrors so that a disconnected system with a complete mirror available (quite common in the developing world and corporate environments) can upgrade in a user-friendly manner. === tumbleweed's story === Sorry, I couldn't be at UDS so here's why I called this: My University has a nasty firewall and forces all port 80 to go via an NTLM-authenticating proxy, so we have to use hacks like cntlm and transparent proxying + cntlm + University proxies, etc. This is (unfortunately) not an unusual situation in the corporate world. It's just a pity my university is so closed-minded, and I'll be getting out of there ASAP. Many users with poor connectivity at home, mirror to a big hard drive at work and take thier mirror home. This is all very nice for an advanced user like me, but we have a fair number of !poweruser Ubuntu users on campus. They complain that they can't upgrade their machines, even though we have a local mirror. Things we do mitigate this: 1. We mirror (and mangle) the meta-release files from changelogs.ubuntu.com, and [[http://www.leg.uct.ac.za/mirrors/linux/ubuntu | tell users ]] to configure their machines to use them. This is non-optimal. 2. Our mirror has a virtualhost for changelogs.ubuntu.com so that users can do {{{http_proxy=http://our.mirror/ update-manager}}} Also non-optimal. 3. Similar hacks for flashplugin and core fonts. == User stories == * Walter is a user on a [[http://www.webafrica.co.za/news/adsl_local.html|Local Only DSL Account]]. He has access to the national Ubuntu mirrors, but not Canonical in the UK. He can only upgrade with a CD or aptitude. * Thembi is a student at University where http access is firewalled and all students are required to use an NTLM proxy for web access. There is a really fast local mirror, but she can only upgrade with a CD or aptitude as update-manager can't connect to http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/. * Joe is at a big corporation with heavy firewall rules. As above... == Assumptions == There are many situations where users can access a mirror, but not http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/ and where access to the mirror is more reliable. == Design == Can we move meta-release et al. to the mirrors? What would this require? Can those meta-release files point at the download tool without an absolute URL? (i.e. it can be grabbed from the current mirror) I suppose update-manager would possibly need to poke archive.ubuntu.com too, if we don't trust the mirror to be up to date? == Implementation == == Test/Demo Plan == This can be tested with update-managers development update mode (-d), before the next Ubuntu version releases. == Unresolved issues == == Other concerns == flashplugin and corefonts break offline upgrades. tumbleweed will see what can be done here. Possibilities: * Add a preseedable proxy setting to flashplugin * Central config file for such packages? * Use the same http proxy as apt * Con: this could be some apt-proxy that doesn't like non-debs == BoF agenda and discussion == Todo ---- CategorySpec CategorySpec