You can grab the importer code from lp:udd and run it locally for testing. They're not exactly designed to run on an arbitrary system, but you should be able to get them to work without too much effort. It requires bzr-builddeb, bzrtools, python-launchpadlib, python-debian, madison-lite, and of course bzr to be installed. You first have to get some LP credentials: python You should be able to get away with "Read non-private", but may want to grant more. You can trigger a run with ./ --no-push (The --no-push ensures that it doesn't try and push to LP if it succeeds.) This will create a number of directories in your cwd. "updates" is where the work happens, and where the final branches end up. "revids" is where the audit data is stored. "logs" contains a log file per-package, you can tail it to watch progress. There are a few more of lesser importance. If you want to run as though this was a fresh import then you can add --no-existing. You can add --check to get it to run "bzr check" on the repository at the end and mutter the results to the log. Any improvements are welcome. I know the code isn't very pleasant, and I am trying to clean up as I change things. Bug fixes are especially welcome.