== Agenda == * 4:00-6:00 Ubuntu Hours Bug Jam in `#ubuntu-us-dc` on freenode * 6:00-6:05 Roll Call * 6:05-6:30 Discussions: (ten minutes max) * 6:05-6:15 [ACTION] Magilum to discuss DistrictOfColumbia LoCo intent pending imminent Ubuntu SSO policy (02/27) * 6:15-6:25 Local Community Activity Discussion * 6:25-6:30 Free-for-all * 6:30-6:45 Report Backs: (five minutes max) * [ACTION] crimsun to blog about GC uses (02/27) * [ACTION] lfaraone to follow up with meetbot owners (02/27) * [ACTION] XX to chair 03/13 meeting (03/06) == Minutes == Attendees: Magilum, bcurtiswx, lfaraone, kjcole, crimsun, throughnothing [DONE] Magilum to discuss DistrictOfColumbia LoCo intent pending imminent Ubuntu SSO policy (02/27) * No real contention based on non-regression (non-Free nature) of SSO/OpenID implementations Local Community Activity Discussion * Waiting to see what comes of OCTO's first DC Community Broadband Summit and Ward 1's request for computers * kjcole handed out quite a few CD's at the Broadband Summit * https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-dc/2010-March/000995.html * [DONE] kjcole replied to Sanjay * [ACTION] kjcole will try to connect with Sanjay to hand off some CD's -- or maybe even make it to the lunch. * [ACTION] Phil Shapiro and kjcole to meet with Lawrence Guyot on 03/07, owner of http://ette.biz/ (Empowerment through Technology & Education). * Lawrence has space that he may be willing to make available for free, for "good causes" like Ubuntu events. (Space is the Woodner Ballroom. 3636 16th Street NW, Ballroom, Washington, DC.) * [DONE] bcurtiswx updated wiki for March meeting notes and readied for monthly Team Reports [ACTION] crimsun to blog about GC uses (02/27) * Apologies: high priority audio bugs [ACTION] lfaraone to follow up with meetbot owners (02/27) [ACTION] Magilum to chair 03/13 meeting (03/06)