August 22nd, 2013

  1. Last meeting: December 20th 2012


  1. Takoma Park Folk Festival
    • Kevin has rented a table once again for us to promote Ubuntu at the TPFF
    • Kevin will be bringing:
      1. a small batch of Raring Ringtail
      2. some left over LTS CD's.
      3. Old handouts.
      4. Banners and the tablecloth.
    • We will need to bring:
      1. GOOD paperweights or methods of securing materials to tables in case of wind would be nice. We've tried string in the past.
      2. POWER!
      3. Chairs.
    • Who will need rides?
    • Who can provide rides?
  2. Reapproval
  3. Marcoceppi Time
  4. Open Discussion


Meeting information

Meeting summary

Takoma Park Folk Festival

The discussion about "Takoma Park Folk Festival" started at 23:09.


The discussion about "reapproval" started at 23:21.

LoCo main usage items

The discussion about "LoCo main usage items" started at 23:26.

open discussion

The discussion about "open discussion" started at 23:42.

Vote results

Action items

Action items, by person

People present (lines said)

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DistrictOfColumbiaTeam/MeetingNotes/20130822 (last edited 2013-08-22 23:55:05 by pool-108-56-197-54)