* Held meeting to discuss the following: * cleaning up [[DistrictOfColumbiaTeam]] wiki pages * adding LoCo pictures to [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/crimsun/sets/72157623317037372/|Flickr]] * Holding Bug Jam's before weekly meetings * importing identi.ca streams to the dc locoteam wiki page * getting interested members to sign up on [[http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org|spreadubuntu]] * changed IRC channel to #ubuntu-us-dc * holding KDE 4.4 release party * added our ubuntu hour to wiki page * Meetings are now held weekly every saturday at 18:00 local time in #ubuntu-us-dc * Ubuntu hour with a bug jam at [[http://toidc.com/|Taste Of India]] at 16:00 local time every week until the 18:00 meeting. * There will be a KDE 4.4 release party [[http://community.kde.org/Promo/ReleaseParties/4.4#Washington.2C_DC_.28Metro.29|Here]]