== Minutes of the regular Ubuntu Documentation Project (UDP) meeting, Jul 28, 2005 == IRC log of the meeting is available: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-meeting-2005-06-30.html == Meeting participants == ||'''IRC Nick'''||'''Full Name'''|| ||Burgundavia||Corey Burger|| ||jsgotangco||Jerome Gotangco|| ||jeffsch||Jeff Schering|| ||rob^||Robert Stoffers|| ||jjesse||Jonathon Jesse|| ||mpt||Matthew Paul Thomas|| == Minutes == === Meeting times === Robert Stoffers raised the point of better meeting times or dates. Due to low attendance, this was deferred to the mailing list. Robert said he would email the list about it. === Projects === ==== FAQ Guide ==== Robert Stoffers: Progressing well. Should have something for us to review soon. Unknown who would do the Kubuntu side. Jonathon Jesse offered to work on it. Author of KUDOS offered to allow us to use some of his stuff (as has been passed down the grapevine) ==== Kubuntu Users Guide ==== Jonathon Jesse: Looking good. Waiting on decisions about application installation program (Kynaptic, kapture or other). ==== Quick Guide ==== Jerome Gotangco: This is being respeced into a marketing guide about what is new and cool in Breezy. Work should commence soon. A new name is suggested for this, due to its changing status. ==== Style Guide ==== Jeff Schering: Hopes to have it finished by July 31. Jerome Gotangco has helped. ==== Others ==== No other project updates were presented, due to lack of attendance by leads === Default Yelp Main page === Matthew Paul Thomas presented his vision of the front screen, which would be one book. This is were Gnome is going apparently. Robert Stoffers was worried about users ending up deep inside another book with a clickthrough. The idea was raised of merging the ideas of Matthew Paul Thomas and Corey Burger into the FAQGuide and making that default start page. Due to licensing issues, see below, the idea of taking the exisiting work of Matt Galvin and Robert Stoffers out of the FAQGuide, applying it to a new guide, under new licenses and then dropping the FAQGuide was raised. === Using Bazaar === Matthew Paul Thomas presented the idea of using bazaar. He is developing his new book in baz. It can be found here:http://mirrors.sourcecontrol.net/mpt@myrealbox.com/help--0/ . Rob Stoffers asked when the doc team might be switching to bazaar. Corey Burger suggested that it could happen post Breezy and Matthew Paul Thomas suggested that it can happen anytime, due to its distributed nature. === Licensing === Matthew Paul Thomas raised the issue of changing the default doc team licensing, to allow for Debian to use it. He suggested GPL and CC-by-SA 2.0 with an exception. The idea was liked, but needed further discussion on the mailing list. Any licensing change would also need to be passed by Benj. Mako Hill or others. CategoryDocteam