There is a pretty bad 'bug' in Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 LTS and in Xubuntu Dapper. I do not know about any Ubuntu derivation( Edubuntu, Kubuntu...) Breezy or Dapper. This whole 'problem' happens after you make the DSl connection ("sudo pppoeconf"). It says that you are connected to the internet but you can not browse any pages. The problem is in the Domain Name Server. This servers that the ISP normally provides are written in the /etc/ppp/resolv.conf by the DHCP. Now, the bug comes into action and after a browse of a page or about 15 seconds 'the bug' erases "nameserver <dns server1>" and "nameserver <dns server2>", leaving the resolv.conf file with only one item "nameserver <DSL modem gateaway, usualy>". Here is the fix.

Open 'Terminal'. Write "sudo network-admin". Enter your root password. Press "Enter". A window appears. Device eth0 or eth<number> should be active. Click the DNS tab. If there are three lines with three IP addresses. If you have that and that information does not change after a browse of a page or a certain amount of time then you do not have the problem. If that information changes then do this. Open 'network-admin' as described earlier. Open 'Synaptic' and set the repositories to Universe. Close 'Synaptic'. Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and ask them if they can give you their DNS servers. Add them to the DNS tab in 'network-admin', BUT DO NOT PRESS OK. In terminal write "sudo apt-get update" and DO NOT PRESS ENTER. Now go to the 'network-admin' window and press ok and as fast as you can press enter in 'Terminal'.

Now open 'network-admin' again as described earlier. Put the same two DNS IPs in the DNS tab of 'network-admin'. DO NOT PRESS OK. In 'Terminal' write "sudo apt-get install resolvconf". DO NOT PRESS ENTER. Go back to the 'network-admin' window. Press OK and as fast as you can press Enter in terminal. That should execute apt-get to install resolvconf. After resolvconf will be installed. Go back to 'network-admin' and in the DNS tab add the two DNS IPs again and press OK. That should fix the problem.

Domain_Name_Server (last edited 2008-08-06 16:36:03 by localhost)