Drupal Node Types and their URL Paths '''Note:''' This page is not quite complete and still being worked on. '''Legend:''' {{{/path}}} ['Text that appears by default at the top of that page'] = Drupal Core = == User Contributed Content Items == '''Note:''' In general, all content items are created as "nodes". See also DrupalConcepts === Generic / Basic Content === * page * story '''Note:''' There is no real difference between 'page' and 'story' except for their name! It is handy to have both though, in case you want to assign different permissions to each for different user roles. (e.g. anonymous vs. authenticated users). === "Front Page News" Feature === {{{/node}}} [] --> listing of '''all''' content items created so far (whether it's a page, story, book page, forum topic, blog entry, ...), sorted by date in reverse order, that have been set to "promoted" ("...to the front page"). The number of posts displayed under {{{/node}}} can be configured under {{{admin/node/configure}}}. If there are more posts, Drupal batches the pages, and displays links to navigate the batches: "1 2 ... next page last page" {{{/node/1}}} = node 1 only, with all its comments displaying (if any have been made) {{{/node/1/3}}} = node 1 only, with comment no. 3 displayed only (if that comment exists) === Comments === '''Note:''' comments are referenced as anchors on a page (node). Also see {{{/node/1/3}}} above. {{{/comment}}} --> /node/#comment ??? '''Observation:''' The path {{{/comment}}} isn't really useful, since you get redirected to {{{/node/#comment}}} which displays exactly the same as {{{/node}}} (?!) === Books === '''Note:''' Individual book pages are created as nodes (under the hood). Given the permission 'maintain books', users can create 'top-level' book pages, which creates a new individual book. {{{/book}}} ['Books'] --> listing of all books, in order of their assigned "weight" {{{/book/print}}} [] = "Print-friendly" version of the listing of all books {{{/book/print/123}}} [] = "Print-friendly" version of book page with the node no. 123 === Forums === {{{/forum}}} * (optional:) container * forum * forum topic * replies (aka comments) '''Note:''' In forums, we distinguish 'containers', 'forums', 'forum topics' and 'replies'. Containers and forums are used for structuring only and can't be commented. 1. containers: title, description, list of 'forums' (no. topics, no. posts, last post) 1. forums: title, list of 'forum topics' (no. replies, created, last reply) 1. forum topics: = regular 'node' item, plus extra navigation: * forum category * 'next forum topic' 1. replies: regular 'comment' item '''Note:''' The Forums pages display by default some additional navigation elements at the top of the page: * [breadcrumb path] * ['Container name'] or ['Forum name'] Plus, for anonmyous users: * "Active forum discussions." --> Link to {{{/tracker}}} * "Login to post a new forum topic." --> Link to {{{user/login}}} ... and for authenticated users: * "My forum discussions." --> Link to {{{/tracker/(the user's Id)}}} * "Active forum discussions." --> Link to {{{/tracker}}} * "Post new forum topic." --> Link to {{{node/add/forum/(the forum's Id)}}} === Blogs === '''Note:''' Individual blog entries are created as nodes (under the hood). Comments are referenced as anchors on a page. {{{/blog}}} ['blogs'] * blog entry [breadcrumb path] * comments [] 1. listing of all entries, sorted by date in reverse order, xml feed link 1. fblog entry = regular 'node' item, plus extra navigation: * (user)'s blog home * add new comment 1. regular comment item {{{/blog/21}}} ['(username)'s blog'] --> blog of user with userId 21, listing of all entries, sorted by date in reverse order, xml feed link === Polls === {{{/poll}}} ['polls'] --> listing of all polls == Site-wide Content Nodes == === Aggregated News Feeds === '''Note:''' Individual feed items are created as nodes (under the hood). {{{/aggregator}}} [] --> listing of all feed items, sorted by date in reverse order {{{/aggregator/sources/}}} ['sources'] --> listing of all feed sources, plus, per source: latest n items, 'more' link {{{/aggregator/sources/23}}} ['(Feed Title)'] --> feed source no. 23, last update (h,min), all feed items (sorted by date in reverse order) === Recent Posts === {{{/tracker}}} ['recent posts'] --> overview listing of all recently created content items ("posts"), table includes content type ("Type"), link to content item ("Post"), author name, number of comments for that item ("Replies"), time since last update to that item ("Last post") {{{/tracker/2}}} ['recent posts'] = recent posts of the user with userID 2 --> as above, but listing only content items (including comments) of that user. === Categories (Labeled Content) === {{{/taxononmy/term}}} --> === Member's Pages === {{{/user}}} --> == Site Administration Nodes == === Content Publishing Queue === {{{/queue}}} = listing of all pending submissions = Drupal Contributed Modules = === Image Module === {{{/image}}} ['Home > image galleries'] {{{/gallery}}} === Glossary Module === {{{/glossary}}} [Home > Glossary: "(Vocabulary Name)"] = listing of all glossaries, sorted alphabetically '''Note:''' Individual terms are referenced as anchors on a glossary page.