Ubuntu Ecuador
Sitio Web

Planeta Ubuntu-ec
Canal IRC
Lista de Discusión

En Launchpad




The Ecuador LoCo team Ubuntu-ec is a group of Ubuntu Users comming together from different GNU/Linux User Groups and other Free Software movement under the Ubuntu flag. Always respectful and always there to support newcomers. Ready to share Ubuntu in different scenarios. The EcuadorTeam is ready for taking the challenge of reaching more and more people that use Ubuntu.

Spanish is the main language of the EcuadorTeam and we have been cooperating with other spanish-speaking communities like Colombia, Chile, Peru, Dominican Republic, Spain, Venezuela and Ubuntu-es. We have got guidance, material and inspiration from them and from the cooperation with the rest of the Spanish speaking LoCo Teams we are heading towards a better organization within the Ubuntu Spanish-speaking community

Key Details

Roadmap - Short

Roadmap - Long

* KeepingU Focused and Ubuntu Locally - Apart from delegating local "representatives" of the team in order to work and cooperate with existing local communities in mayor cities, we have recently organized the team in five working groups (marketing, forums, website, wiki, launchpad). This is to include the active members of the community and have a more democratic approach to the guidance and future of the team. By next meeting at the end of June every team will have a general strategy working plan comprehending the period until the next LTS is released.

Experience Summary


* Advocacy - ubuntu-ec has attended several national events held by local Open Source and Free Software movements in Ecuador. We do also have 14 CD distribution points in the country. this because in our country Internet is for the most part still a dial-up thing and many people just don't speak enough english to even ask for CDs at ShipIt! Thanks Canonical and the distributing members for making this possible!

* LoCo Community Awareness - Mentoring - ubuntu-ec has been keen on learning about how to best shape its community, and we don't want to reinvet the wheel. So we look at the greater ubuntu community and specially the Spanish speaking community from which we have got A LOT of help (thank you so much everyone!). The Ubuntu Ecuador LoCo Team has been working towards the goal of cooperating and organizing our activities across this community in order to reduce duplication of work and get greater adoption of Ubuntu in the region.

* Leading Noticias Semanales Ubunteras - as mentioned above ubuntu-ec, through its contact member, has taken the lead on the translation of the Ubuntu Weekly News to Spanish. We see this as a key factor in order to spread Ubuntu and acquaint people with the distro and its community.


I want to cheer for the Ecuador Team. They are doing a great job within the Spanish speaking Ubuntu community and are setting a great example, both for new and already established teams. Ubuntu-ec: you guys rock!! - leogg at - former Ubuntu-ni Team leader

EcuadorTeam/ApprovalApplication (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:37 by localhost)