## page was renamed from Edubuntu/WikiSite/Meeting/Logs/2007-04-11 ## page was renamed from MeetingLogs/Edubuntu_2007-04-11 #title Edubuntu Meeting Log 2007-04-11 <> = Meeting April 11, 2007 = == Technical == * Google Summer of Code apps being evaluated * ''edubuntu-docs'' package is final for Feisty * Need an About Edubuntu menu item on ths System Menu == Documentation == * Handbook updated * TCM and 2nd CD material added * Translation templates set up for ''edubuntu-docs'' == Websites == * Themes being designed for Edubuntu drupal site (like new Ubuntu site) == Community == * UES coming up * Schedule an Edubuntu community building BoF * With a preliminary discussion before UES on IRC == Management & Planning == * https://launchpad.net/sprints/ues-sevilla-2007 * for adding meetings, discussions etc. {{{ 10:00 willvdl Hi folks, shall we get started? 10:01 highvoltage hi willvdl, RichEd and LaserJock 10:01 LaserJock hi 10:01 LaserJock no ogra? 10:01 willvdl haven't seen him 10:01 RichEd helllo highvoltage ... willvdl will chair tonight & i will be a fly on the wall 10:02 highvoltage cool, I'm also doing some other work (have a very early deadline tomorrow morning) 10:02 willvdl Well let's kick off anyhoo? 10:03 willvdl == Technical == 10:04 stgraber (Ogra is in #ubuntu-devel but busy with testing the isos I guess) 10:04 willvdl ah. 10:04 LaserJock well, I guess we need .iso testing 10:04 willvdl Who here is busy testing? === LaserJock looks around 10:05 willvdl meaning, not at this very minute :) 10:06 willvdl alrighty, shall we move down the list to Docs? 10:06 pygi sure =) 10:07 willvdl I'm a bit out of touch over the last month 10:07 willvdl LaserJock, anything specific to mention? 10:07 LaserJock ok, well couple things 10:08 LaserJock 1 SoC apps are almost done being evaluated 10:08 willvdl SoC? 10:08 LaserJock Google Summer of Code 10:08 willvdl ah 10:08 LaserJock lots of Edubuntu related applications 10:08 LaserJock hopefully we'll get a few 10:08 ajmitch morning 10:09 LaserJock 2nd thing, Edubuntu doc package 10:09 willvdl hey 10:09 LaserJock hi ajmitch 10:09 LaserJock edubuntu-docs is pretty much final for Feisty 10:09 willvdl sweet 10:09 LaserJock we added an About Edubuntu menu item in the System menu 10:09 highvoltage the edubuntu universe is eternally grateful for that 10:09 LaserJock we got the Handbook cleared up a bit 10:10 LaserJock sbalneav rocked the house 10:10 willvdl woot 10:10 LaserJock we added TCM and 2nd CD material 10:10 pygi pardon me, may I interrupt with something? 10:10 LaserJock I also got translation templates set up 10:11 willvdl pygi, shoot? 10:11 LaserJock pygi: go for it 10:11 pygi from last SoC we've got couple of nice things which we never got around to packaging 10:11 juliux hi all 10:11 pygi I think we should set some goal for feisty+1 to get those packages 10:11 willvdl pygi, such as? 10:12 LaserJock pygi: we need sources 10:12 pygi LaserJock, willvdl : the quiz thingy from ryan 10:12 LaserJock I asked about that a while back ago and nobody knew where the source was 10:12 pygi LaserJock, they do exist 10:12 pygi LaserJock, I know 10:12 pygi we'll talk about those later then 10:12 willvdl LaserJock, 2nd CD: should I look up in Launchpad for details? 10:12 LaserJock the addon cd 10:13 LaserJock btw, translations for edubuntu docs is at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/edubuntu-docs/+translations 10:13 willvdl excellent 10:14 willvdl seems I got some serious catching up to do 10:14 LaserJock also some other good news, sbalneav just got svn access to the Doc team repo 10:14 willvdl sweet 10:15 willvdl other than cbx33, who else has access? === pygi also thinks he should work on getting access since he worked on the book =) 10:15 pygi LaserJock, I need to prove to you I can write docbook, right ? :P 10:16 LaserJock willvdl: actually cbx33 doesn't. it's just nixternal, sbalneav and myself 10:16 LaserJock and also jsgontanco 10:16 willvdl LaserJock, I thought Pete had for ESA? 10:16 LaserJock I don't think so 10:16 LaserJock he just sent me patches 10:17 willvdl oh. anyhoo, how did his book chapter go? 10:19 LaserJock not sure, fine I guess 10:19 willvdl pygi, want to move back to SoC questions? 10:20 pygi willvdl, like what? :) 10:21 pygi I was accepted this year for SoC as a student, but my tasks are not connected to edubuntu in particular 10:21 pygi however as I was mentor last year, I can help and will gladly do so to manage edubuntu students 10:21 willvdl pygi, just looking back..something about sources? 10:21 pygi willvdl, ah, yes, the source's for ryan's work are on sourceforge 10:22 willvdl pygi, that reminds me, want to ask you something afterwards... 10:22 willvdl alrighty, who's here from Artwork? 10:23 pygi willvdl, ofcourse, whatever you need 10:24 willvdl hmm, seems we are attendance challenged tonight :) 10:24 LaserJock pygi: can you perhaps make an Edubuntu SoC page where we list projects and links to sources? 10:25 pygi LaserJock, for this year? 10:25 pygi LaserJock, TBH not needed. Google has requirements to post all projects sources to google hosting 10:26 willvdl maybe still link via LP or something 10:26 pygi from last year, it was Amaranth with willow-ng and ryan with his quiz thingy 10:27 pygi willvdl, well, last year I wanted my mentors to write a official spec in LP and open a product 10:27 pygi this year you should do the same IMHO 10:28 willvdl well, at the least we can get something going on the wiki as LaserJock suggests 10:30 willvdl next on the list is Websites 10:30 willvdl I see the Ubuntu site was upgraded while I was gone 10:30 RichEd yep ... matt nuzum's work 10:31 highvoltage yep. RichEd said last week that themes are being designed for the Edubuntu website too, sot htat the sites look consistent. 10:31 RichEd to fill you in, he is producing a drupal template for other variants 10:31 RichEd highvoltage: yes. 10:31 willvdl cool 10:32 highvoltage RichEd: will the education website still take place? === highvoltage has been out of touch with the education website progress 10:32 willvdl Will need to look again at what goes on web and what goes on wiki 10:32 RichEd highvoltage: yes, needing more time to get around to it :( 10:32 highvoltage ah 10:33 highvoltage time is a scarce resource 10:33 willvdl highvoltage, only if you sleep 10:33 highvoltage willvdl: I'll sleep when I'm dead ;) 10:35 willvdl alrighty, coming up to "Community" 10:36 willvdl Who's coming to UES? === willvdl me === RichEd me 10:37 highvoltage willvdl: can we have a session to brainstorm on expanding the edubuntu community? 10:37 LaserJock I'm coming! 10:37 RichEd highvoltage: we will have one at UES ... chaired by jono 10:37 willvdl highvoltage, sure. you mean at UES or IRC? 10:38 highvoltage willvdl: preferably UES, but either way. 10:41 willvdl highvoltage, you want a community session before UES? 10:42 highvoltage willvdl: perhaps a preliminary one before it, possibly even during one of our usual IRC meetings (with warning on the mailing lists) 10:42 willvdl cool. good idea 10:42 highvoltage willvdl: and then we have a face-to-face meeting in UES and bash out some ideas based on previous discussions 10:42 RichEd highvoltage: do you want to start a wiki page ? 10:42 RichEd and i can add it to the discussions for UES 10:42 highvoltage RichEd: yes, that sounds like a good idea 10:44 willvdl okie, lets pop something on the list and chat in one of the meetings 10:44 highvoltage ok 10:44 willvdl I think the 8pm UTC meetings are easier for most to attend? === highvoltage didn't know there were 8pm UTC meetings 10:45 willvdl but then only really two opportunities left so maybe enxt week 10:45 willvdl highvoltage, this is one 10:45 RichEd we have more attendance at the midday ones lately 10:45 highvoltage willvdl: ah ok 10:46 willvdl moving on: Mngmt & Planning? 10:46 RichEd willvdl: just UES from my side ... let me get the launchpad page ... brb 10:47 willvdl cool 10:47 RichEd https://launchpad.net/sprints/ues-sevilla-2007 10:47 RichEd create & add meetings here ... and make a wiki page link for comments / input 10:49 willvdl are these official scheduled meetings for the UES programme? 10:49 RichEd those are the list of potential BOFs yes 10:49 RichEd we may add / remove / refine ... but that is the start 10:49 willvdl ah. gotcha 10:50 RichEd also presentations from a lot of people ... am adding to the UES wiki page tomorrow morning 10:50 willvdl can they link to UDS BoFs as things progress? Haven't played with the LP meeting functionality yet 10:50 RichEd not sure ... will find out :) 10:51 willvdl no biggy 10:52 willvdl "Any other Matters Arising"? === RichEd is done 10:52 willvdl Shall we wrap this up on the hour? 10:52 RichEd fine with me === willvdl notices there is a new "Scribes" team for meeting logging and minutes generating 10:53 willvdl going to take a little research 10:55 willvdl https://wiki.edubuntu.org/MeetingLogs 10:57 willvdl ===== ===== }}}