## page was renamed from Edubuntu/WikiSite/Meeting/Logs/2007-05-23 #title Edubuntu Meeting Log 2007-05-23 <> = Meeting May 23, 2007 = == Technical == * Classmate PC: * squashfs is done and running well: leaves about 1GB user freespace and about 300 for extra SW * good for 1.0 but probably develop ground up for Gutsy * New Canonical employee coming in to work on LTSP * RoadMap - https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/Devel/RoadMap * wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuKDE - Riddell working on in kubuntu seeds * link from roadmap in "related projects" * edubuntu-addon-enhancements spec nearly done * variety of meta-packages coming for Main & Universe * set a task to install the apps that were on Dapper & Edgy == Documentation == * set up wiki space again for collaboration * looking at FAQ style contribs * handbook stays in XML * need help on TBH topics == Websites & Community == * Matt Nuzum going to help with new template integration * Jonathan Carter to work on new theme for template * www.edubuntu.org moves to Drupal 5.1 * look to storing in bzr * with use of launchpad product and team for catching usability bug reports etc. (like kubuntu-website) * Edubuntu vs. Ubuntu Education (site) differences need some planning/explanation * Beta site needs contributions, perhaps blogrolling and aggregation * Byte Sized Tasks coming up!