## page was renamed from Edubuntu/WikiSite/Meeting/Logs/2007-06-27 ## page was renamed from MeetingLogs/Edubuntu_2007-06-27 #title Edubuntu Meeting Log 2007-06-27 <> = Meeting June 27, 2007 = {{{ 02:05 ogra please este tribe2 images ! 02:05 ogra http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20070626.2/ 02:05 ogra and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily-live/20070627/ 02:06 ogra please test these 02:06 ogra the server CD will suffer from bug #121547 atm 02:06 ubotu Launchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy] LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121547 02:07 ogra beyond that i heard that sbalneav got the new ldm working with feedback messages to the user yesterday ... 02:07 ogra i havent merged that code yet 02:07 ogra i started the work on ltspfs hal integration on the weeken 02:07 ogra http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ltspfs-hal-root.png 02:07 ogra thats my first result, we have an ltspfs rootdevice now where all volumes that get mounted will register under 02:08 ogra well, thats been my week, mainly ltsp and CD building releated 02:08 ogra any questions abotu tech ? 02:08 ogra *about 02:10 ogra hmm, doesnt seem like 02:11 RichEd LaserJock asked me to raise the following queries: 02:11 RichEd "How do I install language support from the add-on CD" 02:11 RichEd he saw that in the forum ... is is a simple process ? 02:11 ogra synaptic atm 02:12 RichEd ogra: ^^ query ? 02:12 RichEd and also: another was how to get all the gcompris languages installed 02:12 ogra the language selector should work as well if the CD is mounted, but dont quote me on it, i havent tested that 02:12 ogra the gcompris language stuff is a bit complicated 02:13 ogra we dont have enough langs to just add them to the langpack selection in the seeds 02:13 ogra so they need to be special cased either or i need to build funny scriptbased metapackage sor other weird stuff 02:14 ogra in former releases we just installed all the gcompris sound packages 02:14 ogra now that its on the addon CD we would need some new way to handle them 02:14 RichEd so how do we move forward on this ... log a request / bug in lp 02:14 ogra i'll talk to LaserJock about that 02:14 RichEd okie 02:15 ogra well, thats all from my side about tech, dunno if you want to add something RichEd 02:16 ogra RichEd was busy with tech stuff as well this week :) 02:16 RichEd just the comments from LaserJock ... 02:17 RichEd and some spec work for the Edulinux Moodle project 02:17 ogra yeah 02:17 RichEd I was just chatting to pips1 about that ... we will let you know when the project server is up ... if people want to read or comment 02:18 RichEd just to fill you in: we are building an single CD bundle: edubuntu / moodle / database ... simple install 02:18 RichEd this is part of an EU project ... with schools / universities as partners ... 02:19 RichEd they request various features, and we are evaluating which moodle add-ons to bundle 02:19 RichEd the results will be public 02:19 RichEd and prepared as an .iso for all to download. 02:19 RichEd --- that's all from me 02:20 RichEd anyone else with technical ? 02:20 ogra doesnt look like 02:20 RichEd moving on to artwork then ... 02:20 RichEd still no sign of cbx33 lately ... anyone seen him in #edubuntu in the past month ? 02:21 ogra as i said, he told me he wanted to draw back a bit from all the duties he took himself 02:21 ogra he felt it was to much 02:21 RichEd i'll need to check his level of commitment ... as we may need a replacement if he is too busy with other work 02:21 ogra but he didnt want to drp all 02:22 RichEd do we have anyone else who is keen to help with artwork ... not necessarily as creator, but also as organisational ? 02:22 ogra yeah, i need to check what up with TCM as well if he doenst want to maintain it anymore 02:22 ogra *what's 02:23 RichEd ... okay let me check with pete re his availability ... 02:24 RichEd and also see if he can put together a short list of responsibilities / items he used to care for 02:25 ogra well for edubuntu tech thats specifically only TCM 02:25 ogra and artwork indeed, but i count more on kwwii with that to be honest 02:25 ogra i think doc was before art :) 02:26 RichEd ogra: kwii helps out with production but will not lead ... we need to give him requests / guidelines etc. 02:27 ogra RichEd, we can care ourself about coloring as long as his pics are easily chngeable 02:27 ogra *he* shall give *us* the specs for his pics ... i'm fine with changing colors or logos then 02:28 RichEd okay ... I will review the artwork process that willvdl has put together and see where we have gaps ... and chat to you and/or kwii 02:28 ogra (i can even script that if we make up a proper palette from the colors we have atm) 02:28 RichEd (just saying we need someone to keep an eye on the overall process / deadlines ... to free ogra up for tech focus) 02:29 ogra but i have no idea where we stand atm 02:30 RichEd highvoltage: ogra and I saw you chatting to willvdl re the website ubuntu uprade from dapper 02:30 RichEd any news ? status ? 02:30 highvoltage RichEd: yes 02:30 highvoltage RichEd: server was upgraded to dapper last week 02:31 highvoltage RichEd: edubuntu.org was upgraded to drupal 5.1 friday evening 02:31 RichEd upgraded to dapper ? 02:31 highvoltage RichEd: most of the canical2007 theme is ported to edubuntu 02:31 highvoltage RichEd: yes, it was still running breezy 02:31 RichEd oh ... any reason why it did not go to feisty ? 02:31 highvoltage RichEd: I didn't mention it before publicly, since there might have been security risks attached to it 02:31 RichEd okay ... 02:32 highvoltage RichEd: well, dapper is the LTS release 02:32 highvoltage RichEd: matthew is doing some colour work on the theme 02:32 highvoltage matthew uses photoshop, he says he can do it quicker than me 02:33 highvoltage I'm just going to put it up as I get it, faster incremental changes work better than the big bang stuff 02:33 highvoltage we can even have it up today or tomorrow, if you'd be happy with a brown backround gradient 02:33 highvoltage pips1: yes, even SSL is working ;) 02:34 highvoltage pips1: it was also relient on the server upgrade 02:34 pips1 what about the content? 02:34 pips1 ic 02:36 highvoltage pips1: depends what kind of content you mean. we can have forums now. now that ssl works, we can have users register themselves, so that will work. 02:36 highvoltage pips1: in terms of updating existing content, I suppose that's willvdl's baby 02:36 pips1 We had a meeting at UDS Sevilla about the websites of Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu... an idea that was discussed was that it would help the new site visitors if there was some kind of consistency across all sites... not so much in terms of "look", but more in terms of navigation 02:37 RichEd pips1: that is part of the move to the canonical theme ... 02:37 highvoltage we can be consistent with canonical and ubuntu 02:37 highvoltage Kubuntu's look is a whole other discussion 02:38 RichEd the idea is to keep the horizontal toobars at the top, so that, for example, if you are on edubuntu.org but click on support / marketplace, then you go straight to the area on ubuntu.com === RichEd goes to get an example quickly ... 02:38 highvoltage the canonical theme is way superior to the ubuntu theme. I think metthew will eventually re-do ubuntu's theme 02:38 highvoltage it lacks some features, which the canonical one has 02:38 pips1 Yes. RichEd, I remember your idea in particular, that even the page hiearchy could be the same, e.g. /getubuntu/download should be the same for Ubuntu.com, Kubuntu and Edubuntu.org... 02:38 highvoltage (such as support for a right sidebar) 02:39 RichEd pips1: the download will need some work ... there will need to be some decisions taken on the naming ... 02:39 pips1 right. 02:40 RichEd they have embedded ubuntu in the name in some locations, and do we swop out ubuntu for edubuntu or make edubuntu a subset of ubuntu ... 02:40 RichEd small matters just to clear up. 02:40 RichEd here is the example I mentioned: 02:40 RichEd http://chi.ubuntu-us.org/ 02:41 pips1 Let me just throw in this idea again: why don't we copy the entire ubuntu.com content (i.e. the whole database) and use that as a "base" for the edubuntu relaunch... we can delete pages that aren't relevant to edubuntu, modify pages to make them specifically relevant to edubuntu, and add a few pages that we need in addtion. What does everybody think about this approach? 02:41 RichEd if you load it, you will see that there are a small set of chicago specific pages, but the main links back to ubuntu are direct and consistent 02:41 RichEd pips1: that is almost exactly what the example does 02:42 RichEd oops ... let me clarify ... 02:42 highvoltage pips1: I don't think we're going to do the big-bang-relaunch thing 02:42 RichEd i don't think we want to have duplicate pages on our site ... if the info is accurate on ubuntu.com 02:42 RichEd we should only host major deviations ... 02:43 RichEd minor deviations are best covered on the ubuntu site as a flavour change I think ? 02:43 pips1 highvoltage: it doesn't have to be a "big bang" type of thing, I am just suggesting that we could re-use the content from ubuntu.com... 02:43 pips1 RichEd: hmm. 02:44 pips1 Well, the big question is really: how to we insure best maintenance with the least effort? 02:44 pips1 *do 02:44 highvoltage pips1: yep, absolutely 02:44 pips1 so we don't want *double* content 02:44 highvoltage pips1: you have editing right, don't you? If you want to re-create a page, feel free to do so 02:46 pips1 nah, I'm just trying to figure out a way to align edubuntu and ubuntu.com sites (both in terms of look/template, but also in terms of navigation structure/content) with as little unnessasary work as possible 02:46 pips1 *unnecessary 02:48 RichEd pips1: i think you and I should have a meeting with will and highvoltage to get a plan together ... before will leaves next week 02:49 pips1 so my idea was to copy the whole ubuntu.com site's database and simply tweak the content here and there... hmm. I realise this not ideal. We really want most content on the ubuntu site, and only some additional content that is relevant to edubuntu, i.e. mostly content about the educational applications and about our specific community (communication channels such as irc channel etc) 02:49 sbalneav Will going on holidays? 02:49 highvoltage pips1: I tend to think it's more efficient to link to certain pages than to copy the entire site over. we have help.ubuntu.com for documentation 02:50 RichEd pips1: there are a lot more resources working on the ubuntu.com site, like the marketing people, so their content will change more quickly .. and we may struggle to keep up with the mods 02:50 pips1 sure, linking is preferable 02:50 highvoltage so I think it will get messy copying over the entire ubuntu site 02:50 RichEd sbalneav: will only had a short contract specifically around a project (NEPAD) and that expires end June 02:50 highvoltage pips1: what's the state of the community site? did I miss the update on that? 02:50 pips1 in addition we should have some redirection happening also... for some crucial / very popular url paths that exist on the ubuntu.com site... 02:51 pips1 highvoltage: nope you didn't miss anything 02:51 pips1 the beta site is still unchanged ever since UES :-(( 02:51 pips1 i've been too busy :-(( 02:52 highvoltage there's an edubuntu-website team in launchpad. perhaps you should ping the group and ask if anyone wants to help out with the areas you're too busy with 02:52 pips1 hmm. 02:53 pips1 I don't know if that will help 02:53 RichEd well now is a good time to bring up LP and community applications ... 02:53 RichEd we are getting more requests by people asking to become edubuntu members 02:53 RichEd some spam, but quite a few are real ... 02:54 RichEd so: 1. how do we streamline the approval process (I get too busy to attend to all) 02:54 pips1 I think it's too difficult to communicate the overall idea/vision... I think the most effective will be if I set aside a block of time and then just get it done. 02:54 RichEd and 2. perhaps we should have a wiki page outlining how the people could get involved, with the subgroups, and a short intro on what they do ? 02:55 RichEd (like the edubuntu website example) 02:55 RichEd ogra: any suggestions on how or who can do the approvals ? === pips1 looks for the "teams" in launchpad 02:56 pips1 arg, where the **** do I find the team search on LP? 02:57 ogra RichEd, EC approvals ? 02:57 RichEd people requesting to become an edubuntu member 02:57 ogra we should have anoother EC meeting for that and announce it loudly 02:57 jsgotangco yep 02:57 RichEd I do not get around to them all :( ... they can get lost in my inbox at times 02:58 RichEd pips1: my point exactly ... ^^ ... if you can't find all the edubuntu teams / education teams ... we should perhaps have a guide page ? 02:58 highvoltage pips1: I understand what you'd like to achive, but we also have to be realistic and get done what we can as soon as possible 02:58 highvoltage some ideas are a bit big for right now. 02:59 RichEd pips [Home] [[People] ] drop down 02:59 RichEd pips1: ^ 02:59 ogra i dont really care about all the other teams atm, but we should urgenty go over membership stuff and have the EC meeting for that 03:00 ogra its just a lot of paperwork (mailing all applicants etc)( 03:00 pips1 finally found it: https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu 03:01 pips1 There are five applicants listed 03:01 pips1 Has anyone ever heard of anyone on that list? 03:01 RichEd pips1: there are also some education teams 03:02 ogra pips1, no, but we need to tell them about the process and mail them a date for an EC meeting 03:02 jsgotangco hi 03:02 pips1 ogra: ic, right 03:02 RichEd pips1: Halmeren (jonasgauguin) ... new user in #edubuntu ... spoken to him ... enthusiastic 03:02 pips1 ah, this is the full team listing: https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu/+members 03:04 ogra there are a *lot* of pending members 03:04 ogra *sigh* 03:04 pips1 oh, there are 31 (!) applicants waiting 03:04 RichEd shall we table a slot for the next meeting ... and give 30 mins to work through all the issues ? 03:04 RichEd it will also be the 1st meeting for July which is a potential EC meeting no ? 03:05 ogra yep 03:05 jsgotangco just my thought: its perfectly fine to delegate approval of membership to specific teams if there is a reason to do so (language for instance) 03:05 RichEd so 1: manage the approvals ... 03:05 ogra jsgotangco, well, thats why we have the edubuntu team :) 03:05 jsgotangco yep 03:05 RichEd but 2: shall we also draft a welcome email with some ideas on how the new members could gt involved 03:05 RichEd like artwork / web site etc. with the names of people to chat to ? 03:05 ogra yeah 03:06 ogra and outlining the membership rpocess 03:06 highvoltage sounds good 03:06 pips1 oh, and then there is edubuntu-members too : https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-members/+members 03:06 RichEd would a wiki page be a good idea ... make an agenda for the meeting ... and also some guidelines 03:06 RichEd pips1: mail me the names of any edubuntu / education groups you find ... 03:07 pips1 which lists another 23 applicants waiting 03:07 RichEd i'll create a wiki page, with descriptions,and we can see if there is any duplication / overlap 03:07 RichEd and get a tidy up going 03:08 RichEd any suggestions for a sensible wiki page name: EdubuntuCommunity ? 03:08 pips1 ++ 03:09 RichEd ahh ... that page exists, created by Willvdl 03:09 pips1 sorry, folks, I got to get back to work. :-/ 03:10 RichEd it is a good start, so I will expand on it ... and we can use it as the base for the discussion next week 03:10 RichEd Any other pressing matters for today ? 03:10 ogra nope 03:11 RichEd Okay spread the news about an EC meeting next week when you see people in the channel ... }}}