## page was renamed from Edubuntu/WikiSite/Meeting/Logs/2009-09-04 #title Edubuntu Meeting Log 2009-09-04 <> = Meeting September 4, 2009 = Minutes of Edubuntu Meeting at 17:00 (or 18:00?) UTC, 4 September 2009 on #ubuntu-meeting. == Raw Logs == [[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/09/04/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t18:02]] == Present == * sbalneav (Scott Balneaves) * Ahmuck-Sr * LaserJock (Jordan Mantha) * Lns (Jordan Ericksson) * cjwatson * alkisg (Alkis Georgopoulos) * stgraber * ogra == Absent == * mhall119|work (Michael Hall) * Michelle_Qimo (Michelle Hall) * highvoltage (Jonathan Carter) * flint * ace_suares (Ace Suares) * Svenstaro * CAN-o-SPAM * dgroos (David Groos) * all others == Agenda == * none == 5. Next Meeting Time == Next Scheduled Meeting: * Friday, 11 Sep 2009 * 17:00 UTC (If you live in a country with DST, remember to double-check your local time) * #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net