## page was renamed from EdubuntuInstalledApplications == Merge of 4 old docs == = Application Selection = '''** Note that all decisions taken now are for Edubuntu version 1.0 due for Oct 2005, they may be revisited/expanded for later releases. **''' <
> The Application list belongs to Oliver Grawert - ogra - contact him if you have any comments, suggestions or concerns please contact: Oliver Grawert mailto: * Desktop Default- Decision GNOME * Languages - Decision, default English, and then as many of the supported 90 Ubuntu languages as can fit on the installer CD (all 90 languages will be on the DVD). * Age Group - School going age, Below 18. No university content is being considered at this time. * Emerging Applications - How will new applications be identified, evaluated and selected in the future? - We will need to receive feedback after the first release is out and evolve this process over time, based on what works, what doesn't and what people request. * Target Market for applications - while applications for the learners are required, the main requirement now is for teacher tools, to enable teachers to create teaching content, worksheets, cross words, tests. * Note that applications must have descriptions on the menus as people may not know what the application is from it's name. * Brief for the application list: initial application list for Breezy, but will have lists of other applications for users to look at and evaluate. * Suggestion to have an install question which will offer to allow for installation of meta-packages for either Junior or Senior packages, or both. May have to be looked at for Breezy +1 if this proves to be a lot of work. == Application List == === K12LTSP applications which will be in === * Gcompris * Ktuberling * Tuxpaint * Tuxtype * Tuxmath * Kmessedwords * Khangman * KTouch * Kstars * Kalzium * kvoctrain * kturtle * kpercentage * kmplot * kbruch * keduca * atomix * kverbos === Ubuntu applications which will be in (including their dependencies) === * contact-lookup-applet * desktop-file-utils * eog * evince * evolution * evolution-exchange * evolution-webcal * file-roller * firefox * firefox-gnome-support * gaim * gamin * gcalctool * gdm * gedit * gimp * gimp-python * gnome-about * gnome-app-install * gnome-applets * gnome-btdownload * gnome-control-center * gnome-cups-manager * gnome-games * gnome-icon-theme * gnome-media * gnome-menus * gnome-netstatus-applet * gnome-nettool * gnome-panel * gnome-pilot-conduits * gnome-session * gnome-spell * gnome-system-monitor * gnome-system-tools * gnome-terminal * gnome-themes * gnome-utils * gnome-volume-manager * gnome2-user-guide * gnomemeeting * gthumb * gucharmap * hal-device-manager * metacity * nautilus * nautilus-cd-burner * nautilus-sendto * openoffice.org * openoffice.org-gtk-gnome * rhythmbox * smbclient (see smbfs below) * sound-juicer * ssh-askpass-gnome * totem * tsclient * ubuntu-sounds * vino * xchat * xsane * xscreensaver * yelp * zenity === Other applications to be added === * Wikipedia (to be placed on the webserver) (issues with updating v large +-19Gig) * Squeak (may have a font licensing issue (packaged and uploaded)) * Istanbul (screen session recorder) * Moodle (web based, flash movies, virtual learning environment.) * wiki (media wiki vs moin) * webmail (necessary if we got evolution ?) * glife * Classroom maintenance tool (Linex control de Aula, TeachersPet, Guadalinex (written in TclTK)) * kig * gpaint * gimpshop (instead of gimp... not packaged yet, needs testing) * denemo? (music - partiture editor) * audacity (music + sample editor) * xaos? (fractals) * emacs (+ gvim !) * dia * blender * kino * NVU or quanta (HTML editors; IFIRC consensus seemed to be for quanta) === Other applications to consider === * Mind mapping - view your mind - consider http://cmap.ihmc.us/ or http://freemind.sourceforge.net (CJK support for freemind sucks) * Music notation sequncing - Rose Garden - not easy to configure etc (denemo concentrates on music score layout, rosegarden concentrates on music synthesis) * request made for data logging software. * kmultiply (doesnt exist, but funnily is a dependency in skolelinux) * KWordQuiz * Circuit design programs (for electronic courses - older kids) * Accounting programs (i think we only talked about this one for the school target in breezy+1) * Elgg (claims itself to be alpha version, not suitable yet) * Tablix/GTablix (timetable generation) * Smbfs * as this allows OOo, GIMP etc to work directly with samba shares, they seem to have problems interfacing with standard sambaclient stuff, or is that just me? MGB * cifs is a much better replacement and has better unicode support, with smbfs some files with CJK file names simply can't open at all -- AbelCheung4 * Dr. Geo, an interactive geometry teaching tool (existing package name: drgeo) * geg, gnumexp (was rejected once, reason: for equations, replaced by OpenOffice.org) * Please reconsider. geg is a graph plotter, while gnumexp does symbolic calculation. Can OpenOffice.org do anything like these? Though I admit gnumexp is real headache for packaging, tried it before -- AbelCheung4 === Other applications NOT wanted or with problems === ==== applications not wanted or replaced by something else ==== * gperiodic * gtablix + tablix (replaced by schooltool - not so, these programs use genetic algorithms to create a timetable from user supplied requirements and constraints, whereas schooltool is used to publish that timetable - worth exploring integration -MGB) * gtypist (replaced by ktype) * Ggradebook (couldn't find ubuntu package, could be dropped easily - schooltool will get there) * gtk+ (this a toolkit, not an app) * xmaxima? (math - derive-like commandline math interpreter; worth keeping for the 6th form maths classes) ==== applications with probs ==== * klettres (only french and english, not for the default install) * gvr (programming for kids, only english, not for the default install) ==== applications with bugs to be sorted before release ==== * gdis? (molecule viewer) (packaging bugs) * ghemical (packaging bugs) ''both are precision tools for atomic or molecular modelling and not aimed at our target. Atomix is a game and sounds like fun.'' * celestia-gnome (packaging bugs) * childsplay (packaging bugs) * flashkard (not in breezy, replaced by KWordQuiz) ============================================================== This is the list of files used for the edubuntu-desktop metapackage for our first release, feel free to make suggestions for changes in the area at the bottom with a rationale for discussion. This list is based on the K12Ltsp package list with replacements where appropriate/necessary. Problems with packages are noted next to the package name (i.e. missing .desktop files (menu entrys)) The default themes for QT and GTK should be similar and match color and font to appear as consistent as possible. This is the suggestion for the default desktop. A EdubuntuLight desktop should be defined too with focus on a lower ressource usage and smaller footprint which requires a different selection of applications. == Applist of desktop apps by menu entry == * '''Internet''' * evolution (''mail/calendar'') * firefox (''browser'') * (do we want IRC/Instant Messenger or gnomemeeting ?) * '''Educational''' * ggradebook (''grade manager'') (could need a gtk2 patch/rewrite) * gperiodic (''periodic table app'') * gtablix (''class schedule manager'') (or better [[http://www.schooltool.org|SchoolTool/SchoolBell]] installed on the classroom server and a simple .desktop entry that calls a browser with the local schooltool url) * teachertool (''classroom client management'') (needs rewrite and adjustment for the new ubuntu ltsp infrastructure we will have in breezy) (see TeachersPet for a better suggestion) * celestia-gnome (''visual space simulation'') * gcompris (''edu games'') * gtypist (''type training'') (missing .desktop file) * geg (''equation grapher'') (missing .desktop file, could be replaced by gnumexp http://numexp.sourceforge.net/) * '''Office'''' * openoffice (''office suite'') * glabels (''label/businesscard designer'') * scribus (''DTP'') (or passepartout) * '''Development''' * meld (''diff viewer'') * bluefish (''web editor'') (or better nvu ?) * monodevelop (''IDE'') * '''Games''' * tuxtype (''typeing game'') * tuxmath (''math game'') * atomix (''chemical game'') * glife (''game of life'') * '''Graphics''' * dia (''diagram editor'') * evince (''document viewer'') * gthumb (''picture catalog'') * inkscape (''vector drawing and DTP program'') * tuxpaint (''paint'') * gimp (''image editor'') * blender (''3D design'') * qcad (?) (''CAD'') * xsane (''scanning software'') * '''Multimedia''' * totem (''video player'') * rhythmbox (''audio player'') * kino (''video editor'') * istanbul (''capture video from screen'') * audacity (''audio editor'') * '''Utilities''' * backup tool (mondo/mindi (i386 only) or something like uberbackup: http://www.mooncheese.org/projects/uberbackup/ ?? ) * bibshelf (''book Catalog tool'') * gnome's standard toolset (dict wordbook client, gedit, charmap etc) === Suggestions === Please put your suggestions for changes/replacements of the above applist here. Put a rationale why you want it added/removed/replaced next to the appname. I highly recommend having at least IRC if not GAIM as well. IRC is very useful for educational computer lab environments. Take for example one needs assistance with SchoolTool or what not. #schooltool.... easy way to communicate with the rest of the community. -Colin A. * If it is ready in time: World Wind linux version. See http://forum.worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/index.php?showtopic=3780 Useful for geography. * Stellarium: renders realistic skies in real time with openGL * Claroline : This is a nice Learning management system in PHP/MySQL, providing an easy way for a teacher to set a website for a course: forums, chat, document repositories, group management tool, course calendar, learning path,... very easy to take in hand more info on the project site : http://www.claroline.net -Guim * I thought we agreed Moodle over Claroline? * Kalzium is a better Periodic Table than Gperiodic and Kig is a good graph plotter.Are they omitted from the list because they will be included with K12? - John * Sorry I didn't see Moodle or any LMS in the list, I dont know if any decision was taken by anyone yet. But if I can give my opinion about this, I do think Claroline is closer to the Ubuntu philosophy (as I understood it) : very simple interfaces for the end user, very easy to take in hand but highly integrated and complete. Moodle is more full of options but sometime so many that it confuses the user. I do not want to start a debate, but I would be very happy if this option could be considered and of course, I could help for this. -guim * There are software tools most teachers will use, for example OpenOffice.org is such an example. So it is easy to know about these software. However, there are tools specific to teaching domains. It will be wise to have such a list of software. Then in the Gnome menu hierarchy, to have differents menu categories for each teaching domain. -HilaireFernandes * How about adding Gtans: [[http://gtans.sourceforge.net]]. I know the gifted classes in the school district I work at use this type of software pretty heavily. There is an existing ubuntu package. In addition to Bluefish also consider NVU: [[http://www.nvu.com]] -Dann S. Washko * I want to teach LaTeX, through LyX, to my AP Calculus students this year. Please include LyX, as well as TeTeX or another TeX distribution that has AMSTeX in it. I also second the inclusion of Nvu, especially for the built-in W3C validation. As a high school math/CS teacher, my biases are obvious: the word processor is inferior to a good formatting mark-up language. As a 21st century educator, I feel it is worthwhile to teach a type of literacy relevant for the present and the future. See http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/wp.html for a good argument against teaching students to use a word processor. -Jeremy Gross, Somerville, MA USA * Suggest considering removing Evolution and replacing with Thunderbird (and Sunbird). A big call - given Evolution ships as a part of the Ubuntu distribution - however, many students (like it or not) will not have access to GNU/Linux systems at home. Thunderbird/Sunbird run reliably on Win32, meaning they can apply what they learn in their home environment. -Robert Balbir-Brott * looks like ggradebook is no longer maintained. is it really a good idea to include umaintained software in a distribution aimed at teachers? * What about Open Admin - http://richtech.ca/openadmin/ THere isn't a .deb package yet, but it is a great program according to some people I've talked to. ---- * To elaborate a bit more on the "light" desktop suggestion, and after seeing all the suggestions here, I think it would '''really''' be helpful to have various levels or gradated options for typical academic subject areas for the desktop to choose from at install time such that a teacher (or someone helping them to set this up - still a lot of teachers are intimidated by computers despite an interest or mandate to make use of them) can click on options that make sense to them in teaching terms. Thus, my wife, a first-grade teacher, would be able to pick from various packages suitable for "early elementary" level, say, such as word processing (tuxwrite?), geography, "gCompris", and other levels such as upper elementary, middle school, secondary, AP, etc. would be available for those interested in them accordingly. Still, there would be the need to mix and match from all available packages depending on a teacher's computer skills, teaching style, local school system mandates, etc. Also, there is a need for an easy facility to add on later as the year progresses, and the subject areas' emphases might change, or the teacher becomes more comfortable with "expanded horizons" (or new packages become available - a dynamic update mechanism should be available to avoid the pain of full re-installs). - ''ROC'' ---- ================================================ Let's work on this. We need this info as completed as possible. Teachers will get more motivated if we know what to show them and explain. ||<>|| = EduBuntu specific Software in 5.10 = = Listing by Application = == khelpcenter == * Description: help center for KDE The KDE Help Center provides documentation on how to use the KDE desktop. This package is part of KDE, and a component of the KDE base module. See the 'kde' and 'kdebase' packages for more information. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == gcompris == * Description: Educational games for small children A collection of educational games for small children. It is meant to become some sort of nified interface to integrate more educational games. Language-oriented games now contain vocabulary for too many languages to list them here. Sounds are only available for a couple of languages - contribute and add your language! Currently available boards include: * learning how to use a mouse and keyboard * learning simple arithmetic * learning how to read an analog clock * recognize letters after hearing their names * reading practice * small games (memory games, jigsaw puzzles, ...) * etc. It is designed so that it is easy to implement new boards to GCompris. To save SVG from the animation board, you will need python-xml. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === Junior, Young Teens === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === * gcompris-sound-da -> * gcompris-sound-de -> * gcompris-sound-en -> * gcompris-sound-es -> ok, some menus need work * gcompris-sound-fr -> * gcompris-sound-it -> * gcompris-sound-pt -> * gcompris-sound-ru -> * gcompris-sound-sv -> === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == tuxmath == * Description: math game for kids with Tux "Tux, of Math Command" ("`Tux`Math," for short) is an educational arcade game starring Tux, the Linux mascot! Based on the classic arcade game "Missile Command," Tux must defend his cities. In this case, though, he must do it by solving math problems. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === Young Teens, Teens, Young Adults, Adults === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == ktuberling == * Description: Potato Guy for KDE KTuberling is a game intended for small children. Of course, it may be suitable for adults who have remained young at heart. It is a potato editor. That means that you can drag and drop eyes, mouths, moustache, and other parts of face and goodies onto a potato-like guy. Similarly, you have a penguin on which you can drop other stuff. There is no winner for the game. The only purpose is to make the funniest faces you can. There is a museum (like a "Madame Tusseau" gallery) where you can find many funny examples of decorated potatoes. Of course, you can send your own creations to the programmer, Eric Bischoff, who will include them in the museum if he gets some spare time. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === Junior === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == tuxtype == * Description: educational Typing Tutor Game Starring Tux `Tux`Typing is an educational typing tutorial game starring Tux, the Linux Penguin. The player guides Tux to eat fish which are falling from the top of the screen. Each fish has a letter written on it. When the player presses the corresponding key, Tux will position himself to eat the fish. The game is intended for children learning to type, though it does have higher difficulty levels which even experienced typists may find challenging. *Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kmessedwords == * Description: letter order game for KDE `KMessed`Words is a game that is based on the word/letter puzzles that the author played as a child. A word is picked at random and displayed with its letters in a messed order, with difficulty dependent on the chosen level. You have an unlimited number of attempts, and scores are kept. It is a very simply constructed game, with 3 dificulty levels of play. It is fully customizable, allowing you to write in your own words and set your own 'look and feel' of the game. It is aimed for children aged 10+ because of the dificulty, but of course everyone is welcome to try. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == khangman == * Description: the classical hangman game for KDE `KHang`Man is a game based on the well known hangman game. It is aimed for children aged 6 and above. It has four levels of difficulty: Animals (animals words), Easy, Medium and Hard. A word is picked at random and the letters are hidden. You must guess the word by trying one letter after another. Each time you guess a wrong letter, a picture of a hangman is drawn. You must guess the word before getting hanged! You have 10 tries. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === Young Teens, Teens, Young Adults, Adults === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === * Spanish === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == tuxtype == * Description: educational Typing Tutor Game Starring Tux `Tux`Typing is an educational typing tutorial game starring Tux, the Linux Penguin. The player guides Tux to eat fish which are falling from the top of the screen. Each fish has a letter written on it. When the player presses the corresponding key, Tux will position himself to eat the fish. The game is intended for children learning to type, though it does have higher difficulty levels which even experienced typists may find challenging. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == tuxpaint == * Description: A paint program for young children Tux Paint is meant to be a simple drawing program for young children. It is not meant as a general-purpose drawing tool. It IS meant to be fun and easy to use. Sound effects and a cartoon character help let the user know what's going on, and keeps them entertained. Tux Paint is extensible. Brushes and "rubber stamp" shapes can be dropped in and pulled out. For example, a teacher can drop in a collection of animal shapes and ask their students to draw an ecosystem. Each shape can have a sound which is played, and textual facts which are displayed, when the child selects the shape. There is no direct access to the computer's underlying intricacies. The current image is kept when the program quits, and reappears when it is restarted. Saving images requires no need to create filenames or use the keyboard. Opening an image is done by selecting it from a collection of thumbnails. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === Junior, Young Teens === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == ktouch == * Description: touch typing tutor for KDE KTouch is a program for learning touch typing - it helps you learn to type on a keyboard quickly and correctly. Every finger has its place on the keyboard with associated keys to press. KTouch helps you learn to touch type by providing you with text to train on, and adjusts to different levels depending on how good you are. It can display which key to press next, and the correct finger to use. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kstars == * Description: desktop planetarium for KDE KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE. It depicts an accurate simulation of the night sky, including stars, constellations, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, all planets, the Sun, the Moon, comets and asteroids. You can see the sky as it appears from any location on Earth, on any date. The user interface is highly intuitive and flexible. The display can be panned and zoomed with the mouse, and you can easily identify objects and track their motion across the sky. KStars includes many powerful features, yet the interface is clean and simple and fun to use. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kalzium == * Description: chemistry teaching tool for KDE Kalzium is a program which shows you the Periodic System of Elements (PSE). You can use Kalzium to search for information about the elements or to learn facts about the PSE. Kalzium provides you with all kinds of information about the PSE. You can look up lots of information about the elements and also use visualisations to show them. You can visualise the Periodic Table of the Elements by blocks, groups, acidic behavior or different states of matter. You can also plot data for a range of elements (weight, mean weight, density, IE1, IE2, electronegativity), and you can go back in time to see what elements were known at a given date. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kvoctrain == * Description: vocabulary trainer for KDE `KVoc`Train is a little utility to help you train your vocabulary when you are trying to learn a foreign language. You can create your own database with the words you need. It is intended as a replacement for index (flash) cards. You probably remember flashcards from school. The teacher would write the original expression on the front side of the card and the translation on the back. Then look at the cards one after another. If you knew the translation, you could put it away. If you failed, you put it back to try again. `KVoc`Train is not intended to teach you grammar or other sophisticated things. This is and probably will stay beyond the scope of this application. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kturtle == * Description: educational Logo programming environment KTurtle is an educational programming environment using the Logo programming language. It tries to make programming as easy and accessible as possible. This makes KTurtle suitable for teaching kids the basics of mathematics, geometry and programming. The commands used to program are in the style of the Logo programming language. The unique feature of Logo is that the commands are often translated into the speaking language of the programmer. KTurtle is named after "the turtle" that plays a central role in the programming environment. The user programs the turtle, using the Logo commands, to draw a picture on the canvas. Note that this version of Logo is only focused on the educational qualities of the programming language and will not try to suit professional programmers' needs. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kpercentage == * Description: percentage calculation teaching tool for KDE KPercentage is a small math application that will help pupils to improve their skills in calculating percentages. There is a special training section for the three basic tasks. Finally the pupil can select a random mode, in which all three tasks are mixed randomly. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kmplot == * Description: mathematical function plotter for KDE `Km`Plot is a mathematical function plotter for KDE. It has a powerful built-in parser. You can plot different functions simultaneously and combine them to build new functions. `Km`Plot supports parametric functions and functions in polar coordinates. Several grid modes are supported. Plots may be printed with high precision in the correct scale. `Km`Plot also provides some numerical and visual features, like filling and calculating the area between the plot and the first axis, finding maximum and minimum values, changing function parameters dynamically and plotting derivatives and integral functions. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kbruch == * Description: fraction calculation teaching tool for KDE KBruch is a small program to practice calculating with fractions. Different exercises are provided for this purpose. The program checks the user's input and gives feedback. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == keduca == * Description: interactive form-based tests for KDE KEduca is a flash-card application which allows you to make interactive form-based tests. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == atomix == * Description: puzzle game for building molecules out of isolated atoms Atomix is a game designed for GNOME in which you have to build molecules, from simple inorganic to extremely complex organic ones, out of isolated atoms. The first levels can be misleadingly easy, but added complexity always comes with the next level, so that several minutes (or even much more than that) can be spent on getting out of one single level. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kverbos == * Description: Spanish verb form study application for KDE Kverbos allows the user to learn the forms of Spanish verbs. The program suggests a verb and a time and the user enters the different verb forms. The program corrects the user input and gives feedback. The user can edit the list of the verbs that can be studied. The program can build regular verb forms by itself. Irregular verb forms have to be entered by the user. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == glife == * Description: artificial life implementation using GNOME gLife embodies the concepts found in artificial life and cellular automata (subsets of artificial intelligence), with a bias towards creating an artificial society. It provides a limited set of rules, towards the goal of making some sort of society emerge. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kig == * Description: interactive geometry program for KDE Kig is an application for interactive geometry. It is intended to serve two purposes: * to allow students to interactively explore mathematical figures and concepts using the computer; * to serve as a WYSIWYG tool for drawing mathematical figures and including them in other documents. With this program you can do geometry on a computer just like you would on a blackboard in a classroom. However, the program allows you to move and change parts of a geometrical drawing so that you can see how the other parts change as a result. Kig supports loci and user-defined macros. It also supports imports and exports to/from foreign file formats including Cabri, Dr. Geo, KGeo, KSeg and XFig. This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == gpaint == * Description: GNU Paint - a small, easy to use paint program for GNOME This is gpaint (GNU Paint), a small-scale painting program for GNOME, the GNU Desktop Environment. gpaint does not attempt to compete with GIMP, it is just a simple drawing package based on xpaint, along the lines of 'Paintbrush' from a popular non-free operating system. Currently gpaint has the following features: * Drawing tools such as ovals, freehand, polygon and text, with fill or shadow for polygons and closed freehand shapes. * Cut and paste by selecting irregular regions or polygons. * Preliminary print support using gnome-print. * Modern, ease-to-use user interface with tool and color palettes. * Multiple-image editing in a single instance of the program. * All the image processing features present in xpaint. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == denemo == * Description: A gtk+ frontend to GNU Lilypond GNU Denemo is a GUI musical score editor written in C/gtk+. It is intended primarily as a frontend to GNU Lilypond, but is adaptable to other computer-music-related purposes as well. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == xaos == * Description: real-time interactive fractal zoomer XaoS is a real-time interactive fractal zoomer. It can display the animated fractals in X, svga, and even plain text mode. It displays the Mandelbrot set or one of 8 other fractals and allows you to zoom smoothly into the fractal. Various coloring modes are provided for both the points inside and outside the selected set. In addition, switching between Mandelbrot and Julia fractal types is provided. Other features include autopilot mode, palette changing, image saving, fractal inversion, filters, and a built in fractal tutorial. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == blender == * Description: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary and/or a web plug-in are common products of Blender use. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kino == * Description: Non-linear editor for Digital Video data Kino allows you to record, create, edit, and play movies recorded with DV camcorders. Unlike other editors, this program uses many keyboard commands for fast navigating and editing inside the movie. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == kwordquiz == * Description: flashcard and vocabulary learning program for KDE KWordQuiz is a flashcard-based tool that helps you to master new vocabularies. It may be a language or any other kind of terminology. KWordQuiz can open several types of vocabulary data. Supported are .kvtml files used by other KDE programs such as KVocTrain, .wql files used by WordQuiz for Windows, .csv files with comma-separated text, and .xml.gz files created by Pauker (http://pauker.sourceforge.net/). This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == scribus == * Description: Open Source Desktop Publishing Scribus is an open source desktop page layout program with the aim of producing commercial grade output in PDF and Postscript, primarily, though not exclusively for Linux. Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation. It has sophisticated page layout features like precision placing and rotating of text and/or images on a page, manual kerning of type, bezier curves polygons, precision placement of objects, layering with RGB and CMYK custom colors. The Scribus document file format is XML-based. Unlike proprietary binary file formats, even damaged documents, can be recovered with a simple text editor. Scribus supports professional DTP features, such as CMYK color and a color management system to soft proof images for high quality color printing, flexible PDF creation options, Encapsulated PostScript import/export and creation of 4 color separations, import of EPS/PS and SVG as native vector graphics, Unicode text including right to left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew via freetype. Graphic formats which can be placed in Scribus as images include PDF, Encapsulated Post Script (eps), TIFF, JPEG, PNG and XPixMap(xpm), and any bitmap type supported by QT3. Printing, PDF and SVG creation are done via custom driver libraries and plug-ins, giving Scribus inventive features: the abilities to include presentation effects with PDF output, fully scriptable interactive PDF forms, SVG vector file output. The internal printer drivers fully support Level 2 and Level 3/PDF 1.4 postscript features including transparency and font embedding. When run from KDE, Drag and Drop, for example from desktop to the canvas, is enabled. There is easy to use drag and drop scrapbook for frequently used items such as text blocks, pictures and custom shaped frames. * Homepage: http://www.scribus.net/ * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == dia-gnome == * Description: Diagram editor (GNOME version) Dia is an editor for diagrams, graphs, charts etc. There is support for UML static structure diagrams (class diagrams), Entity-Relationship diagrams, network diagrams and much more. Diagrams can be exported to postscript and many other formats. This package contains the GNOME version of Dia. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == schooltool == * Description: common platform for school administration SchoolTool is an open source school management information system. It is a distributed client/server system. The SchoolTool server presents two interfaces to clients: * a traditional web application interface, usable with an ordinary browser. * HTTP-based programming interface suitable for fat clients, adhering to the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style (see http://rest.blueoxen.net/). The web application interface is the primary one. The RESTive interface is there for potential interoperability with other systems and fat clients to perform data entry that is inconvenient to do via the web application interface. Any modern web browser is suitable for the web application interface. The interface degrades gracefully, so a browser that does not support CSS or Javascript will be usable, although perhaps not very nice or convenient. This package is a configuration package which sets up a standard stand alone server. * Homepage: http://www.schooltool.org/ * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == gnome-icon-theme-gartoon == * Description: Gartoon icon theme for GTK+ 2.x This GTK+ theme provides an animated scalable group of icons to be used by GTK+ 2.x applications like GNOME 2. * Homepage: http://zeus.qballcow.nl/icons.php * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == edubuntu-artwork == * Description: edubuntu themes and artwork This package contains edubuntu themes, artwork and default settings. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: == edubuntu-artwork-usplash == * Description: edubuntu artwork for usplash This is us the usplash startup screen for edubuntu. * Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com * Origin: Ubuntu === Age === === Subjects === === Tried in Other Languages (not english) === === Additional Features === * Audio: * Save as.../Exports to: * Imports from: = Listing by Subjects = /!\ ''I could not find a good way to organize it without repeating info. AFAIK, a table would be ok but I have had no time to do it.'' * khelpcenter * gcompris * gcompris-sound-da * gcompris-sound-de * gcompris-sound-en * gcompris-sound-es * gcompris-sound-fr * gcompris-sound-it * gcompris-sound-pt * gcompris-sound-ru * gcompris-sound-sv * ktuberling * tuxpaint * tuxpaint-data * tuxpaint-stamps-default * tuxtype * tuxmath * kmessedwords * khangman * ktouch * kstars * kalzium * kvoctrain * kturtle * kpercentage * kmplot * kbruch * keduca * atomix * kverbos * glife * kig * gpaint * denemo * xaos * blender * kino * kwordquiz * scribus * dia-gnome * gnome-icon-theme-gartoon * edubuntu-artwork * edubuntu-artwork-usplash = All = * khelpcenter * gcompris * gcompris-sound-da * gcompris-sound-de * gcompris-sound-en * gcompris-sound-es * gcompris-sound-fr * gcompris-sound-it * gcompris-sound-pt * gcompris-sound-ru * gcompris-sound-sv * ktuberling * tuxpaint * tuxpaint-data * tuxpaint-stamps-default * tuxtype * tuxmath * kmessedwords * khangman * ktouch * kstars * kalzium * kvoctrain * kturtle * kpercentage * kmplot * kbruch * keduca * atomix * kverbos * glife * kig * gpaint * denemo * xaos * blender * kino * kwordquiz * scribus * dia-gnome * gnome-icon-theme-gartoon * edubuntu-artwork * edubuntu-artwork-usplash = Gnome Applications that were not included = As most included applications are KDE, this info could be helpful for those looking more GNOME applications. * http://www.gnomefiles.org/subcategory.php?sub_cat_id=49 * any other? = Possible Edubuntu Software to be included/considered = /!\ '''If it's already in, please delete it from the following list.''' This page contains an annotated list of software which is of particular importance to the Edubuntu distro. == Teaching Programming == * drpython -- Available in the development section of Universe * pythoncard -- Available in the Python Programming section of Universe (see note #1) * pygame -- Available in the Python Programming section of Universe Note #1: In order to run pythoncard one MUST remove the libwxgtk2.4-python package or pythoncard will FAIL to start. I (Colin) tried hacking the pythoncard source to select the wxPython version ( over the wxPython libraries with no success. Pythoncard still failed to start. *Remove the libwxgtk2.4-python package for an Edubuntu install? == K12LTSP Software == I thought it might be a good idea to incorporate what's already in K12LTSP (more or less in order of importance): * Ggradebook (couldn't find ubuntu package) == Wikipedia == Maybe by adding a Static Wikipedia version it would help Schools that don't have Internet Access. I know of a Static Version that is about 380 MB Compressed. Will update this section shortly... ======================================================= * ktuberling * tuxtype * gcompris * ktouch * kalzium * tuxpaint * kmessedwords * kvoctrain * kturtle * kpercentage * kstars * kmplot * ktouch * kiten * khangman * kbruch * keduca * tuxmath * atomix * flashkard * ggradebook * gtk+ * equation-grapher * kde-interactive-geometry * klettres * kverbos ---- CategoryEdubuntuProposedForRemoval