The Edubuntu development community is structured around Launchpad teams (here is a list). These teams are responsible for looking after the Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Ubuntu projects and the related products or activities within them. To get involved, join one of the teams.

The team members will help you grasp the ins and outs of contributing to Edubuntu. Some teams have special requirements to be able to join them. This will all be explained when you request to join a team. Don't hesitate - the teams are welcoming people like you.

More info about how teams work, and how Edubuntu teams relate to the larger Ubuntu Community, can be found here.

This page gives an overview of the relevant Launchpad teams, projects and products. Notes ( marked with (i) ) are included where proposals for changes have been made.

(i) Edubuntu Users is an OPEN group, anyone can join right away!

Primary Edubuntu Teams

Edubuntu Members

The Edubuntu Members are people who have demonstrated a significant and sustained contribution to Edubuntu and education in Ubuntu. Edubuntu Membership gives an email alias and Ubuntu Membership. Edubuntu members may aggregate their blogs to Planet Ubuntu.

Edubuntu Council

The Edubuntu Council are people elected by the Edubuntu Members to oversee the Edubuntu community and approve Edubuntu Membership applications. The Edubuntu Council also acts as the release team for Edubuntu and so takes technical decisions for the release to come, work on release announcements and update the website.

Edubuntu Developers

The Edubuntu Developers are Edubuntu Members who desire to work on packaging and have shown that they are unlikely to cause problems with any of the Edubuntu packages. They collaboratively work on the packaging of Edubuntu's software with other members but do not necessarily have upload permission.

Edubuntu Bugsquad

The Edubuntu Bugsquad is a bug triage and tracking team. Members of this team help to ensure that bugs have enough information to act on and are given proper priorities and are automatically subscribed to Edubuntu bugs. This is an entry-level working team that all interested parties are welcome to join.

Edubuntu Documentation

The Edubuntu Documentation team works on the documentation relating to Edubuntu. This covers several different areas including system documentation, Help Wiki and Team Wiki. This team is a member of the larger Ubuntu Documentation Project Team. The Edubuntu Documentation team is also responsible for the Edubuntu website.

Edubuntu Artwork

Edubuntu's artwork is done through the Ubuntu Artwork team. (So do we need this team then? -LaserJock)

Edubuntu Advocacy

Ubuntu Edubuntu Advocacy Team

Edubuntu Handbook Contributors

Ubuntu The Edubuntu Handbook is intended to be a gentle introduction for non-technical users to installing, configuring and, most importantly, using Edubuntu. In addition, we hope that the Handbook will grow to be an invaluable reference for new and intermediate users. See for more info. Members of this team have contributed in some significant way to the Edubuntu Handbook (formerly "How To Cook Edubuntu").

Edubuntu School Support Team

Ubuntu Edubuntu team dedicated to providing support to schools installing linux and teaching pupils and staff to use linux in general. Performing a little advocacy as well, we hope to promote the use of linux in schools across the globe.

Edubuntu Study Content

Ubuntu We commit to help to:

  1. create new content both for teachers and students,
  2. create content for training courses,
  3. to design courses syllabus
  4. to analyze different tools people can use for teaching/studying purposes.

Edubuntu Team

Ubuntu The edubuntu members

Edubuntu Testers

Ubuntu Team that make tests on Edubuntu operating system. The Edubuntu testing team aims to do the following:
Provide an easy to use, modular testing system that all users can use ,and also recruit testers and submit regular bug reports.

Edubuntu Users

(i) This is an open group. You can join at any time!
Ubuntu "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". The Edubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to schools, through its customised school environment. The current version of Edubuntu is aimed at classroom use, and future versions of Edubuntu will expand to other educational usage, such as university use.

Edubuntu Website Team

Ubuntu This is the website team for the Edubuntu distribution. The website team is responsible for the Edubuntu website. Tasks include: Reviewing content for suitability, Laying out roadmaps for future content and attending regular on-line IRC meetings.


Edubuntu/Teams (last edited 2009-10-14 23:34:06 by c-66-31-107-141)