== Final Specs and Disussions for UDS-Boston == === edubuntu specs : TECH === || '''''priority''''' || '''''spec in launchpad''''' || '''''BOF''''' || '''''Status''''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:edubuntu-profile-and-network-session-management || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• Ready for Review-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:gui-frontends-for-ltsp-scripts || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: ogra-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:ltsp-update-manager-integration || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• Spec needs approval-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:edubuntu-addon || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: cjwatson-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:edubuntu-mass-maintenance || ''~-covered-~'' || ~-• deferred as server team requirement•-~ || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:edubuntu-menus-completion || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• Spec needs approval-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:edubuntu-and-italc || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• Ready for Review-~''' || || ~-lo-~ || UbuntuSpec:edubuntu-user-management || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• Spec needs approval-~''' || || ~-med-~ || UbuntuSpec:edubuntu-content-server || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• Ready for Review-~''' || || ~-lo-~ || UbuntuSpec:ltspfs-virtual-hal-devices || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• Spec needs approval-~''' || === LTSP specs : TECH === || '''''priority''''' || '''''spec in launchpad''''' || '''''BOF''''' || '''''Status''''' || || ~-lo-~ || [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ltsp/+spec/ltsp-improvedcdsprinting|ltsp-improvedcdsprinting]] || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: sbalneav-~''' || || ~-med-~ || [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ltsp/+spec/ltsp-localapps|ltsp-localapps]] || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: sbalneav-~''' || * '''note:''' * LTSP is handed over to upstream * sbalneav will manage these specs * they are listed here for the sake of completion around the UDS expectations === classmate specs : TECH === || '''''priority''''' || '''''spec in launchpad''''' || '''''BOF''''' || '''''Status''''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-choice-of-browser || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• Ready for Review-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-power-management || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• Ready for Review-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-choice-of-file-system || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-• was resolved : needs discussion •-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-sonic-notepad || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-anti-theft || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-teacher-control || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || === classmate specs : EDUCATION + TECH === || '''''priority''''' || '''''spec in launchpad''''' || '''''BOF''''' || '''''Status''''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-education-application-set || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || === classmate specs : EDUCATION OTHER === || '''''priority''''' || '''''spec in launchpad''''' || '''''BOF''''' || '''''Status''''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-introduction-document || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || === classmate specs : FALLEN AWAY === || '''''priority''''' || '''''spec in launchpad''''' || '''''BOF''''' || '''''Status''''' || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-planning-spec || ''~-covered-~'' || ~-• obsolete •-~ || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-applications-required || ''~-covered-~'' || ~-• obsolete •-~ || || ~-hi-~ || UbuntuSpec:classmatepc-ume-desktop-applications || ''~-covered-~'' || ~-• dropped •-~ || * '''aproval issue to formalise:''' * '''decision''' * approval for TECH: reverted to cjwatson * approval for EDUCATION + TECH: reverted to cjwatson * approval for EDUCATION OTHER: RichEd === education discussions : EDUCATION OTHER === || '''''priority''''' || '''''spec in launchpad''''' || '''''BOF''''' || '''''Status''''' || || ~-med-~ || UbuntuSpec:education-getting-teacher-input || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || || ~-med-~ || UbuntuSpec:education-content-contributions || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || || ~-med-~ || UbuntuSpec:edubuntu-web-sites-mail-lists || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || || ~-med-~ || UbuntuSpec:education-launchpad-groups || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || || ~-lo-~ || UbuntuSpec:education-support-offering || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || || ~-lo-~ || UbuntuSpec:education-wiki-people-and-group-pages || ''~-covered-~'' || '''~-To draft: RichEd-~''' || * '''note:''' * these specs are unrelated to Edubuntu 8.04 delivery * RichEd will manage these specs * they are listed here for the sake of completion around the UDS activities ---- CategoryEducation