Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes.


A specific Edubuntu desktop package will be required for the Intel ClassmatePC due to:

  1. limitations on the internal storage
    • for default image install
    • for add/remove applications
  2. limitations of screen size / functionality
  3. other hardware considerations

Release Note


Due to the issues in the summary:

  1. Not all of standard edubuntu bundled applications will be included in the ClassmatePC delivery.
  2. Not all of standard edubuntu applications available for install through the g-a-i (Add/Remove menu options) will be apropriate for download and install onto the ClassmatePC.

Use Cases



A testing process will be performed against:

  1. the applications in the standard edubuntu-desktop package
  2. selected applications from the main repository
  3. Application Testing Criteria
    • identify hardware issues
      • such as "missing keys" = non-standard keyboard
    • test usability of applications with respect to screen size
      • with screen pan
      • with alt key window move
    • record load time
      • suggested max load time = 30-45 seconds
      • note for each application
        1. time taken before user gets feedback
        2. time taken to load application
        3. open file (where applicable)
        4. save file (where applicable)
      • categorise into
        • < 15 seconds

        • < 30 seconds

        • < 45 seconds

        • > 45 seconds

  4. General Testing Criteria
    • RAM ... performance
    • multi-load of applications
    • runs standalone
  5. Prepare a shortlist for discussion with Intel
    • class applications against the test info above:
      • acceptable / not acceptable
      • note any language issues
    • final selection will be made against the test info above


  1. A specific edubuntu-desktop-classmatepc will be created
    • Oliver to please fill in detail here

  2. Add-Remove customisation for the edubuntu-desktop-classmatepc
    • a local file is present on each machine containing the application list available for install
    • the testing process will provide a list of acceptable / unacceptable applications
    • a specific edubuntu-desktop-classmatepc application list will be prepared
      • with assistance from Michael Vogt
      • to overwrite the standard application list file
    • the application list file can be update by a regular update
      • an update file will overwrite the existing file
    • Oliver to please fill in detail here

Code Changes



Test/Demo Plan

Outstanding Issues

BoF agenda and discussion

Discussion points:

  1. Not all of standard edubuntu bundled applications will be included in the ClassmatePC delivery.
  2. Not all of standard edubuntu applications available for install through the g-a-i (Add/Remove menu options) will be apropriate for download and install onto the ClassmatePC.
  3. The considerations are:
    • limitations on the internal storage
      • for default image install
      • for add/remove applications
    • limitations of screen size / functionality
    • other hardware considerations
  4. Decisions need to be taken on:
    1. What are the criteria for determining an approved subset
      • what install space size is reasonable to provide an acceptable user data space
      • what other hardware limitations
      • language considerations
    2. What is the testing procedure to select a sub-set of applications that are "approved"
      • what is the testing process
      • who will do the testing
      • what is the approval process
      • who will do the approval
      • how is this list maintained
      • who will do the maintaining
      • patches / updates ... any issues around these ?
    3. What applications are included in the standard install bundle from the approved subset
      • who selects the options
      • what is the process
      • who approves the options
      • what is the process
      • language considerations ?
    4. How is the Add/Remove issue going to be managed
      • users should not download and install certain applications (i.e. applications that are not in the approved subset)
      • how is this going to be managed

CategorySpec CategoryEducation

Education/UDS-Boston/ClassmatePC/ApplicationSet (last edited 2008-08-06 16:18:27 by localhost)