<><> ||<>|| We were responsible for the training of 1st year Electronics students @ Cairo University Faculty of Engineering. The event started on the 3rd of July 2010 and ended on the 8th of July 2010. Estimated no. of students: 250 = Contributors = * Ahmed Toulan (Instructor) * BooDy (Instructor) * Mohamed Gamal (Opening session presenter and material preparation) * Mohamed Saudi (Opening session presenter and material preparation) * Islam El Wazeery (Material preparation) * MFawzy (Material preparation) * Mahmoud Mohamed (Material preparation) '''CECE Group''' in the faculty contributed with more instructors, burning DVDs and materials printout = Presentations = {*} [[attachment:opening_session.odp|Introducing Linux and Ubuntu]] . {*} [[attachment:Cairo.odp|Using Ubuntu]] = Photos = {{attachment:Image119.jpg|img|width=1024 height=768}} {{attachment:Image125.jpg|img|width=1024 height=768}} {{attachment:Image128.jpg|img|width=1024 height=768}}