= Python Development Workshop Day 2 = [[ http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=30.026968,31.22293&hl=en&sll=30.027228,31.222887&sspn=0.017463,0.038581&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=15&z=15/|Location : Ibn Sina Center]] == Points Covered == * Iterables (Lists as queues and stacks) * Some built in python functions (sorted , filter , cmp .... ) * Exception Handling * Files I/O * Modules (using and creating) * Some built in modules (math/cmath , datetime , random , sys) * Examples and Applications (Custom time greeting , Guess the number game , Hangman Game , Simple file database ) * [[https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0ARBC23rGz2UnZGNxNzY1NmZfNDIyOWt0emJqd2Rz|Session Presentation]]