Ubuntu NEXT EGYPT TEAM MEETING: TBA (Event History...) Ubuntu

We've heard you want to join us, Welcome, Here's how to Join:
Ubuntu Egypt is a well dynamically-structured team that continuously adapts to Community needs with team's mission.
Joining starts with your intention to make a change to our Digital World by all means. See, we have our beloved platform, Ubuntu, and our mission is to help Egypt turns into Open Source world. To do this we have our own plan:
1st, let the whole country know about it.
2nd, Let's show them how it's better than the current solutions.
3rd, Have they become interested?, Cool, let's show them how to migrate to it.
4th, Like any other new things, it'll be hard to them in the beginning, so, we show them how to use it and, when necessary, we'll be there to give support and answer all sorts of questions.
Now, as you know our mission, do you still want to join?

EgyptTeam/JoinUs (last edited 2012-04-11 15:57:06 by 197)