''''' {*} That government is best which governs least {*} ''''' <
> == Introduction == Choosing the very first council is really tricky. With no clear vision of who can be elected and who can elect, it's expected to have a council that doesn't represent the community. <
> == First Council Candidates == {*} There are two ways to choose council candidates. * Choose a group from 3 to 5 of the current members who has been in the group for at least 1 year. * Choose a group from current official Ubuntu members in the group. <
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> == First Council Responsibilities == {*} Approve applicants membership. Getting membership status will give the applicant the right to vote in the next elections and will allow him to nominate himself to become a council member. {*} Start a draft to formulate policies for the community. These drafts can be picked up by the next council and completed. Then reviewed by the community for voting. <
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> == First Council Termination == {*} It will terminated when it's time for elections (start of a new development cycle). ---- CategoryEgyptLoCoTeam