Log of the 2010-05-07 Meeting

<HardDisk> I know what's special about me.
<HardDisk> <- This is what AWESOME looks like.
<MFawzy> en everything in life just leads to one point 3andak :)
<Sensiva> 2ooosam lol
<HardDisk> That is absolutely true MF
<Sensiva> egzakli
<MFawzy> :-s
<Sensiva> ana mela7ez enno focused awi fel nos el ta7tani
<Sensiva> lol
<HardDisk> ta3ala tany...
<Sensiva> lol
<MFawzy> lol
<HardDisk> :D
<HardDisk> btw fee tournament playstation bokra
<HardDisk> ana maleesh feeha
<MFawzy> Sensiva: wala 7ata el content :)
<HardDisk> but apparently it's something big
<HardDisk> U2pia.org
<HardDisk> I was LAUGHING at the facebook comments
<MFawzy> mesh ha2daar 2a2ool enny 3aref arakez awy feeh bardo :) (el content 3ashan "ankle" hard ! :D )
<HardDisk> kol wa7id katib "bos ba2a ya shabab, ana el kbeer, wel 3awiz yiwaree rogolto fil kora, kalimny 3ala zero talat sab3aat khamas talaf"
<MFawzy> da e3lan "link ADSL" ?? :D
<MFawzy> hhh
<HardDisk> aywa I was making fun of them
<MFawzy> 3ala zekr el ADSL,
<MFawzy> rege3t men bara men 2a2l men sa3a
<HardDisk> cause they're writing stupid comments about saying to everyone else that they're the best in PS football
<MFawzy> w la2et el router mesh be-a7san 7ala
<Sensiva> mawdoo3 el PS da wakel demagh el 3eyal awi
<HardDisk> LOL "3ala fekra ma7adesh shaf negom elsayeda zenab we el3aiz yeshof yegy we yel3ab 3ala feloooooos kter awi"
<MFawzy> kallemt el tech support beta3 TEdata, 3ashan homa bybee3o el router men3'eer manual wala troubleshooting guide :)
<Sensiva> 7atta kol mas2al wa7ed 3ala business ye2olli efta7 ma7al PS
<HardDisk> MFawzy I haven't read a manual since I was born
<HardDisk> MEN don't read manuals.
<HardDisk> we rip open the boxes
<MFawzy> hhhh
<Sensiva> lol
<HardDisk> and spend hours figuring out how it works
<MFawzy> am a "manual worm" if term applies :D
<HardDisk> and our mothers/girlfriends/sisters/wifes they look at the manuals
<HardDisk> then they tell you, bos...it says, click the red button first, then press OK
<MFawzy> I'd prefer to get my hands in it first, but on the long run I always have a plan to read every possible manual :D
<HardDisk> wetbosilha basa, as if you want to tell them, I KNEW THAT I WAS JUST EXPERIMENTING OK!?
<Sensiva> LOOOL
<Sensiva> MFawzy manuals are meant to be read, even if its not necessary, but who knows, you might be missing something, so read manuals!
<Sensiva> hat el manual beta3 your router men el website beta3o
<MFawzy> however, manuals were created for some reason, other than using 'em as toilet paper ! :D
<HardDisk> In Soviet Russia, manuals read you.
<MFawzy> I HAVE NO connection :D
<Sensiva> omal enta hena ezay?
<MFawzy> aw dah kan el wad3 :D
<Sensiva> telepathy no?
<HardDisk> da el ghost bita3o
<Sensiva> aha
<MFawzy> el lazeez awy en el ragel 2a3ad yo2oly el "shashteen elly ganb el sa3a" :D
<HardDisk> bokra el toilet mish hayir7amny
<HardDisk> I ate so much indian food today
<MFawzy> fee el a5er 2oltelo "ana mesh 3ala windows asln" :D
<Sensiva> ahi heya di soso elli ana ba7ebbaha
<Sensiva> <3
<MFawzy> awel ma 3eref sa2al "so u use Mac or linuX" :D
<HardDisk> ?
<MFawzy> el sara7a ana enbasat awy w 2olt "Linux" :D
<HardDisk> I guess that's another convo..
<HardDisk> btw fee nas kteer know about linux
<Sensiva> yes indeed
<MFawzy> bekol basata rad w 2aly "Ah, srry , do u know what is the connection icon on ur linux sys" ?? :D
<HardDisk> bas most know fedora, IF they ever tried it recently
<MFawzy> 2oltelo "ah" :D
<HardDisk> kan asdo, network-manager?
<HardDisk> wala wicd?
<Sensiva> howa asdo ay icon wekhalas
<HardDisk> oh
<Sensiva> el mohem indicator lel network
<Sensiva> maho linux ba2a, kol distro we leha nezam
<HardDisk> maho part of the indicators applet for ubuntu
<HardDisk> yes I know
<MFawzy> 2aly "ok, we DON'T support any other but MS products, ur connection is working on our side, thanks for ur interest" :D
<HardDisk> i used to develop for opensuse
<HardDisk> lol
<Sensiva> lol MFawzy you should report that guy
<Sensiva> because he failed
<HardDisk> actually report him to who?
<MFawzy> kont mabsooooot gdn beeh :D
<MFawzy> NO one :)
<HardDisk> law kol el bahayim zayo
<MFawzy> plus, it is not his fault :D
<Sensiva> to tedata complaints dept, and NTRA
<HardDisk> el modeer bita3o aslan has two partitions for his windows because law el windows "darab" he doesnt know how to recover his shit
<HardDisk> hayfarmat 3alatool
<HardDisk> da el demagh el ta3bana
<MFawzy> once I was working on a site hosted on their servers
<Sensiva> dude, tedata is a large redhat consumer, homma mesh bahayem, its just the customer support elli byeb2o 7afzeen
<MFawzy> so I called the techi support to ask abt ssh access coz I needed it for some task
<HardDisk> maho redhat da internally
<MFawzy> el lazeez awy
<HardDisk> why do you need tedata for ssh?
<MFawzy> en ba3d 7awaly rob3 sa3a ra3'y
<MFawzy> with some one keda from their support
<HardDisk> or you wanted to enable ssh on your router?
<Sensiva> I guess time for me to get back to work
<MFawzy> she said : "oh srry u r on "shared hostig pack" hence u don't have ssh access" :)
<Sensiva> excuse me folks
<MFawzy> k
<MFawzy> I guess I should go find sth useful to do :D
<HardDisk> I can help you in that
<MFawzy> NAH HardDisk not "sth useful" ur way :D
<HardDisk> la2 la2 bgad
<HardDisk> i can help
<HardDisk> I always find things to do
<MFawzy> hhhhh mashy ya seedy de gat 3'alat ba2a :D
<HardDisk> aho
<HardDisk> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YE8rGuLCtU&feature=player_embedded
<HardDisk> do this
<MFawzy> :-s provided that I had an iPad :D
<MFawzy> if u bought me one I'd be happy to make to of them :D one for each :D
<MFawzy> :P
<MFawzy> :P
<HardDisk> speaking of ipads
<HardDisk> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAl28d6tbko
<MFawzy> these apple ppl are kidding asln
<MFawzy> yenfa3 technology keda ??
<MFawzy> bygeebo koll dah meneeen ??
<bahaa2008> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/05/05/canonical_h264_video/
<bahaa2008> what do u think
<HardDisk> ipad is the worst invention ever
<HardDisk> what the frack were they thinking using the same iphone processor?
<HardDisk> tab use something a bit more powerful!
<HardDisk> batny ya batny
<HardDisk> batny ya batny
<HardDisk> akalt akl hindy
<HardDisk> batny ya batny
<HardDisk> idoony dal manky
<HardDisk> we mish fayi2 dilwa2ty
<HardDisk> batny ya batny
<HardDisk> batny ya batny
<Sensiva> for some reason I have a feeling that canonical has a secret agenda regarding Ubuntu
<Sensiva> in their partner repos, there are many shareware apps
<MFawzy> Sensiva: they are good however :)
<MFawzy> Sensiva: ppl have to make money ! :D
<MFawzy> this is marketing, 2adem el sabt w el 7ad w el etneen w 5od ba2y el shahr free :D
<MFawzy> this is what they are doing,
<Sensiva> mashi, el mohem all Ubuntu releases tefdal free of charge
<MFawzy> already ubuntu now has become a very widely popular
<Sensiva> 3ashan maneb2ash e7na their marketers for free ya3ni
<MFawzy> and it is being marketed to enterprise as a "very good" solution for everything :D
<MFawzy> Sensiva: sure u know that being free is a must
<MFawzy> they CANNOT do anything about this :D
<MFawzy> to some extent, they cannot ship ubuntu with Flash for example :D
<MFawzy> 3ashan el GPL, rabena y5aleehalna :D
<Sensiva> rabena yestor
<MFawzy> 7ameyet 7oreyet el barmageyat fe el 3alam :D :P
<Sensiva> el 7aga el wa7eda elli metammenani that its debian based
<HardDisk> Sensiva, you miss the point of marketing strategies.
<HardDisk> you have to see the other side of their paid operations
<HardDisk> for example to be a canonical partner
<HardDisk> canonical provide other services, they just happen to be the biggest sponsor for Ubuntu.
<HardDisk> look at Red Hat's approach.
<HardDisk> they offer their servers $$$, but Fedora free of charge.
<HardDisk> Canonical provide both free AND paid services for their server support, and ubuntu free of charge
<HardDisk> the case of MS vs Novell for example which we can talk for miles about this issue
<HardDisk> I'd rather we do it in the morning
<HardDisk> btw, ubuntu is becoming LESS and less dependent on debian, that is the goal of ubuntu
<HardDisk> to completely branch out
*** Cyb0rg is now known as Guest12206
*** Guest26609 is now known as EgYPaRaDoX
*** Guest12206 is now known as Sensiva
<mahmoud> AA
<mahmoud> sensiva r u here
<mahmoud> ??
<Sensiva> yes
<mahmoud> good
<mahmoud> i will send u the final link isA in min.
<Sensiva> eshta
<mahmoud> katbly half hour for uploading :(
<mahmoud> when we will meet 2morrow isA
<mahmoud> ?
<Sensiva> its ok edelo wa2to
<Sensiva> 8 am insha2allah
<mahmoud> good because the hall is big and we wanna prepare it before 10
<mahmoud> but we must confirm on this time with the others
<Sensiva> send a mashej to the mailing list
<mahmoud> sa7e7
<mahmoud> howa xerox fat7a today?
<Sensiva> yeah
<Sensiva> bas bye2felo badri
<mahmoud> done
<mahmoud> http://www.unimasr.net/ums/upload/files/2010/May/UniMasr.com_5e0c6b7df95e4a4be7602e120aad603d.rar
* Sensiva clicks
<mahmoud> ba2olak
<mahmoud> ba2olak
<Sensiva> aywan
<mahmoud> tefteker el back afdal
<mahmoud> wala zy ma a7med 2al
<Sensiva> fekret a7mad 3agabetni
<mahmoud> ne5aly el two faces front
<mahmoud> ??
<mahmoud> oksh
<Sensiva> :D
<mahmoud> don't forget el 3ola2at de
<Sensiva> 3enaya el gooz we manakheri el looz
<mahmoud> :)
<mahmoud> thnx
<mahmoud> rabena m3ak
<mahmoud> AA
<Sensiva> 3alekom el salam
<Sensiva> mahmoud chrome://downloads/home/mohamed/Desktop/Recovery/Ubuntu.odt
<Sensiva> sorry wrong link
<mahmoud> ok
<mahmoud> i got it
<mahmoud> from the mail
<Sensiva> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/723774/Ubuntu.odt
<Sensiva> ok
<mahmoud> el kalam kteer awee
<mahmoud> me5aly el mesa7at day2a
<Sensiva> tab boss...
<Sensiva> law hat3attalak ana hatsarraf
<mahmoud> mesh mawdoo3 3atla
<mahmoud> bs el kalam maly el paper
<mahmoud> m5aly shaklaha ka2eeb
<mahmoud> i think we should delet some words
<Sensiva> momken ne3melha wesh we dahr
<Sensiva> la2 da kol kelma mohemma
<Sensiva> I have to reboot
<Sensiva> brb
<mahmoud> ana 3amaltaha 3ala 2 papers
<mahmoud> ok
<Sensiva> 7elw, erfa3 ya barad3i
<Sensiva> send by mail
<mahmoud> oksh putting final touch :D
<mahmoud> a3melo save
<mahmoud> be format eh?
<mahmoud> allooooooooooo
<Sensiva> PDF
<Sensiva> mahmoud PDF
<mahmoud> ok
<mahmoud> processing
<mahmoud> bs da word file
<mahmoud> ana 3amlo word file
<Sensiva> ay 7aga ya mahmoud :D
<Sensiva> el mohem mesh odt
<Sensiva> pdf doc
<mahmoud> check ur mail
<mahmoud> first
<mahmoud> what do u think?
<Sensiva> mahmoud 7elwa, bas awel sora di shof 7aga gherha
<Sensiva> beta3et born to frag
<mahmoud> howa frag ma3naha eh?
<Sensiva> 3al 3omom eb3at 3al mailiing list wana hatba3ha bellel
<Sensiva> yekassar
<Sensiva> lol
<Sensiva> I have to go now
<mahmoud> tyb ashelha wala la
<mahmoud> ??
<Sensiva> aywa
<Sensiva> shelha we 7ot 7aga tania
<mahmoud> ok
<Sensiva> 7ot el logo beta3 GNU
<Sensiva> el na3ga
<Sensiva> lol
<mahmoud> ana fakart bs
<mahmoud> mesh latef
<mahmoud> baut i will search for it
<mahmoud> :)
<Sensiva> el paragraph da 3an el free open source
<Sensiva> yeb2a lazman walabod el na3ga tenzel
<Sensiva> http://adele.gerwinski.de/~anja/gnuart/aurelio/GNU.png
<mahmoud> ok
<Sensiva> mahmoud I will call you later
<Sensiva> salam
<mahmoud> salam
<abonora_> Hi every one
<abonora_> السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
<abonora_> يا شباب
<HardDisk> shakly ana hagy bokra
<JeoTheLeo> Assalamu Alaikum
<JeoTheLeo> so the new distro is Lucid Lynx
<JeoTheLeo> interesting
<HardDisk> what's so interesting about it?
<JeoTheLeo> well, the distro names are always interesting
<JeoTheLeo> Karmic Kuala, Jaunty Jackalope, Lucid Lynx
<HardDisk> yes they use animal names
<HardDisk> Maverick Meerkat is next
<HardDisk> even though I prefer Masturbating Monkey.
<HardDisk> but they refused that name
<JeoTheLeo> well the first part of the name should be for professional use
<HardDisk> huh?
<HardDisk> what's so professional about it.
<HardDisk> they are adjectives
<JeoTheLeo> well, in official meetings and so, they use the first name
<HardDisk> adj - as in description of the state of the animal
<HardDisk> yea that's just to keep things short..
<HardDisk> nothing to do with professionalism
<JeoTheLeo> hm
<HardDisk> its like calling mohamed mo and abdelrahman abdo and ehab, bob
<JeoTheLeo> so do you have any insight as to what is new in Lucid?
<HardDisk> yes of course
<HardDisk> are you talking asthetics or internal structure?
<JeoTheLeo> I hope it has a wider support range
<JeoTheLeo> well, mainly driver support..so internal structure
<HardDisk> in terms of its internal structure, it includes kernel 2.6.32, updated support for more ATI/NVidia cards, more support for other accessory type hardware
<JeoTheLeo> though I am not that experienced with the source code so I am just wondering
<HardDisk> but bare in mind drivers is not always linux's fault
<HardDisk> hardware manufacturers are the ones that provide drivers
<JeoTheLeo> yes, proprietary and henceforth
<HardDisk> so if a manufacturer like VIA for example dont provide drivers for linux, then community based reverse engineering is done.
<HardDisk> which doesn't always work.
<HardDisk> take the iphone for example...
<JeoTheLeo> ahh I started to hate all things apple
<JeoTheLeo> due to the loads of restrictions
<HardDisk> well you can't blame them.
<JeoTheLeo> though the appstore is of good benefits, it does in a way limit the application productions
<HardDisk> if you owned a company, would you want your users to hack your product and let people take advantage of piracy and illegal activities for your product?
<JeoTheLeo> well, if they paid money to get my product...they should get it fully
<HardDisk> so if apple are trying to lock down on their system, its because they dont want other people benefiting financially from their efforts.
<JeoTheLeo> if people want to benefit financially they would still hack the product
<HardDisk> you think like a non-business man, if you had a business and really cared for it, you'd think differently.
<HardDisk> yes, and why give up and let them take you out?
<HardDisk> for example look at Sony
<JeoTheLeo> well that is true, I am more of an academic man rather than a businessman
<HardDisk> their PSPGO and PS3 is still uncrackable.
<HardDisk> why, because they've learned their lessons
<HardDisk> and have the skills and capability to restrict those people trying to take advantage of their systems
<HardDisk> whilst not everyone can do that, it depends on the core structure of their system
<HardDisk> its the same old argument of windows vs linux
<HardDisk> what makes linux a better server based system is because you CAN control everything in the system yourself easily.
<JeoTheLeo> well, of course a part of one's system should remain hidden, but hiding it through brute-force is nonprofessional
<JeoTheLeo> yes, that is a good example that also proves my theory
<JeoTheLeo> linux is open-source
<HardDisk> no im not talking about open source
<HardDisk> im talking about a different side of the philosophy
<JeoTheLeo> and everyone is free to manipulate it
<HardDisk> the difference is that with linux being open source already, you have the choice to build your own system and branch off it.
<JeoTheLeo> I get what you're saying but the idea isn't to block people from hacking, it's to use people's ideas to their own advantage
<HardDisk> and turn it propreity if you wanted to.
<HardDisk> or at least commercialware
<JeoTheLeo> if you have a security software that is secure only because the source code is hidden
<JeoTheLeo> the second the source code gets out, its security falls
<JeoTheLeo> while if you have a professional open-source software whose security is beyond source code....even if someone knew the source code, cracking the security would be hard
<JeoTheLeo> now that's what I'm talking about
<HardDisk> thats nice in a world of goodness and harmony
<JeoTheLeo> XD
<HardDisk> but we live in a reality of dog eats dog, and survival of the fittest.
<JeoTheLeo> well I admit, securing the software is much easier than hardware
<HardDisk> if most people understood what you were saying, we'd all have been using open source technologies everywhere by now
<JeoTheLeo> because having the hardware in one's hand is like having the source code wrapped up in plastic and metal sheets
<HardDisk> its the same argument of Green vs Oil, green technology and solar panels and wind turbines can give me clean power, cheap alternatives and better deals, but oil companies dont want that
<HardDisk> which is why oil companies are willing to kill for their survival.
<HardDisk> now i dont think it goes that far with technological companies *who knows* but, they at least take them down by other means
<HardDisk> at the end of the day, it's all about politics.
<JeoTheLeo> well MS does kill rising companies....
<JeoTheLeo> not sure if it actually turns to physical murder
<HardDisk> yes they do.
<JeoTheLeo> politics! *looks around for spies*
<JeoTheLeo> all clear
<JeoTheLeo> so HardDisk, may I know how do you support the linux community?
<HardDisk> sure
<HardDisk> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SamAzab
<HardDisk> here's a small part.
<JeoTheLeo> ahh yes I knew I read your name somewhere
<JeoTheLeo> or rather, nickname
<HardDisk> mailing list?
<JeoTheLeo> yup
<JeoTheLeo> I'm still a computer engineering student
<HardDisk> CU?
<HardDisk> or GUC?
<JeoTheLeo> it would be pretty awesome if I had some sort of summer training in a linux-based IT/Software company
<JeoTheLeo> in Alexandria
<HardDisk> Aptech provide linux certification i think
<JeoTheLeo> no, I want to do an internship
<HardDisk> then you could apply to Link Egypt, TeDATA(since they use redhat)
<JeoTheLeo> I don't really care much for certificates, as I told you, I'm more of an academic rather than a businessman
<HardDisk> problem is that commercially everyone uses windows based servers
<HardDisk> BUT
<HardDisk> I actually installed redhat linux for the Italian Consulate in Alexandria
<HardDisk> that was like 7-8 years ago
<JeoTheLeo> nice
<HardDisk> I'm sure you'll find something there
<HardDisk> and check the eglug society
<JeoTheLeo> I don't think TeData has an internship program
<HardDisk> homa aslan mainly are based in Alexandria
<HardDisk> #eglug
<HardDisk> and check their website
<JeoTheLeo> nice
<JeoTheLeo> would be pretty nice if we could get someone to give an introduction about ubuntu and open-source in our university
<JeoTheLeo> it's expected to see non-technical users liking windows....but to see computer engineering students or computer science students etc. preferring windows is really sad
<HardDisk> Well I'd be delighted, but it'd have to be in English :)
<HardDisk> I don't do well in arabic
<HardDisk> JeoTheLeo, it's not sad, it's what they're taught and what limited knowledge they are presented with.
<HardDisk> we ba3dein, fee nas that are leaders and followers.
<HardDisk> leaders will go and research for themselves and choose the paths they want.
<HardDisk> followers..well inta fahim ba2a
<JeoTheLeo> well I've been taught in english all my life, so a presentation in english suits me, though I do not think that this would be agreed upon
<HardDisk> im in the category, that teach leaders how to be leaders :)
<JeoTheLeo> ah
<JeoTheLeo> impressive
<JeoTheLeo> I'm definitely not a follower, though I do not believe that I'm a leader either
<HardDisk> you'll find your path eventually, or it will find you.
<HardDisk> Just make sure you're in control.
<HardDisk> fhmt.
<JeoTheLeo> si
<JeoTheLeo> don't you worry about your info being available online?
<HardDisk> what info?
<JeoTheLeo> name etc,
<HardDisk> nope, cause I'm not doing anything wrong.
<HardDisk> besides it's good PR for me
<HardDisk> I am on linkedln
<HardDisk> and other select sites
<JeoTheLeo> I see
<JeoTheLeo> well, it must be my hacking-paranoia
<JeoTheLeo> or in this case, tracking
<HardDisk> The only thing is that I'm not "actively" working with EgLUG
<HardDisk> I work individually.
<HardDisk> and besides, what info is available online doesn't really track who I am
<JeoTheLeo> nice
<HardDisk> I just keep the basics.
<HardDisk> and who ever said Sam Azab was my real name :)
<JeoTheLeo> XD
<JeoTheLeo> Sameh Azab then?
<HardDisk> not even close
<JeoTheLeo> :D
<HardDisk> not my family name either
<JeoTheLeo> oh
<HardDisk> pseudoname
<JeoTheLeo> well in that case, I see you've done your dues regarding fooling the trackers
<HardDisk> that's the smart thing to do
<HardDisk> not just hide.
<HardDisk> but show yourself as someone else.
<JeoTheLeo> though I still believe that you have your real name online
<HardDisk> nope, not even facebook
<JeoTheLeo> impressive indeed, I salute you
<HardDisk> too many weirdos out there.
<HardDisk> especially me being one of them.
<JeoTheLeo> stole it off the tip of my keyboard....I do regard myself as a weirdo
<JeoTheLeo> one of the reasons I have a facebook account is to track people
<HardDisk> I already knew that the second you came into this room
<JeoTheLeo> XD
<HardDisk> cause no one ever comes into this room.
<HardDisk> except for bahaa who just idles
<HardDisk> d4de...who technically is dead
<JeoTheLeo> it's really sad...and really exciting...to be served all types of info on a golden plate whenever you want it
<HardDisk> Sensiva is trying to build an ubuntu community
<HardDisk> mmm only if your motives are evil.
<JeoTheLeo> evil is more of a perspective kind of adjective
<HardDisk> true
<HardDisk> its just a scale
<JeoTheLeo> or rather dependent on values/morals
<HardDisk> which are only there to make sure we dont turn chaotic.
<HardDisk> man by nature is chaotic
<JeoTheLeo> hm, I would agree that man has a chaotic side and a calm-loving side
<JeoTheLeo> leaving himself be manipulated freely....that would raise either of his sides
<JeoTheLeo> to be*
<HardDisk> get a newborn baby, isolate it from modern society, raise it in the wilderness it will act like any other animal, the difference is that its mind and brain gives it the upper advantage over other species to survive
<HardDisk> it is calm and playful and loving towards some of its own species, but can be cruel and murderous towards others.
<JeoTheLeo> true
<JeoTheLeo> natural instincts do play a role too
<JeoTheLeo> or perhaps genetics
<JeoTheLeo> that's why a person needs a set of rules/morals to control himself
<HardDisk> actually people create sets of rules/morals to control others :)
<HardDisk> when they themselves do not want control
<JeoTheLeo> makes me wonder how we will ever succeed in building humanoids with high AI capabilities
<HardDisk> im waiting for the day the robots kill us all and just take over
<JeoTheLeo> XD
<JeoTheLeo> I regard that as sci-fi
<HardDisk> orly?
<HardDisk> they regarded microwaves as sci-fi back in the day
<HardDisk> they regarded mobile phones as sci-fi
<JeoTheLeo> well, robots would not have a reason to take over
<HardDisk> we already have robots that vacuum
<HardDisk> AI robots would.
<JeoTheLeo> humans have a greedy nature
<HardDisk> for their own survival.
<HardDisk> survival is the core of all life.
<HardDisk> eat or be eaten.
<JeoTheLeo> unlike robots
<JeoTheLeo> well, if so, they would use logic...whoever opposes them would be dismissed
<HardDisk> exactly
<JeoTheLeo> otherwise let and let ive
<JeoTheLeo> live*
<HardDisk> and they would see us as an obstruction
<JeoTheLeo> I do believe we can build AI bots...however there is definitely a limit
<JeoTheLeo> perhaps a limit to feelings....or ambitions....
<JeoTheLeo> I am not sure, though I am sure there are limits...what they are...I can not quite figure them out
<JeoTheLeo> but that is the idea
<JeoTheLeo> if we figured out the limits...they would not be limits
<HardDisk> http://www.thelocal.se/19120/20090428/
<JeoTheLeo> only questions to be answered
<JeoTheLeo> XD
<HardDisk> i believe we will find all the answers we are currently asking one day.
<HardDisk> and some answers will already be known by some, but not accepted by the majority.
<HardDisk> but that's how we evolve.
<JeoTheLeo> interesting to see someone of an arabic-background speak of evolution
<HardDisk> im a realist.
<JeoTheLeo> though I would dare ask about your religion in such case before proceeding
<HardDisk> if i was not a realist I would care, but religion is of no importance to me
<JeoTheLeo> ahh, so secularist/agnostic
<HardDisk> you can say that :)
<JeoTheLeo> well, religion is of great importance to me
<JeoTheLeo> it defines my morals and my limitations....therefore I rarely ever run after a hopeless dream
<JeoTheLeo> it is rather exciting though, to see people of different backgrounds and perspectives
<JeoTheLeo> I would not attack a person just for what he believes or regards
<JeoTheLeo> though coming back to our discussion, due to my religious beliefs, I do not think that things such as telepathy would ever exist
<JeoTheLeo> or humans creating humans
<HardDisk> I just tire of these debates, I used to discuss them, and not surprisingly always in techie chat rooms
<JeoTheLeo> though I still wonder where exactly is the limit
<JeoTheLeo> oh, you got me wrong there, I do not want to debate religion in a chatroom
<HardDisk> well you may not believe in telepathy, but I'd be interested in how you can explain when twins are in two separate locations, when one gets hurt, the other can "feel" it
<JeoTheLeo> I would not dare say that I can explain a lot of what is going on in this world
<HardDisk> and these things have been documented.
<JeoTheLeo> it's a baffling world of undiscovered mysteries to yet be discovered
<HardDisk> but I'd rather find the truth myself rather than follow what someone else forces me to believe.
<JeoTheLeo> the word forces would explain a lot about your perspective
<JeoTheLeo> I do not follow religion because I am forced
<HardDisk> well you were raised by it, your parents taught you, your surroundings fed you.
<HardDisk> and if you try to question it, there will always be someone to tell you its wrong what your thinking and why its wrong
<JeoTheLeo> true, but that does not change the fact that I actually did a lot of research
<HardDisk> then you are a minority.
<JeoTheLeo> it's very risky, in my opinion, to just follow whatever someone tells you to follow
<HardDisk> that's the majority.
<JeoTheLeo> specially if that someone is a human like you
<JeoTheLeo> you have a brain of your own, so using it is crucial
<HardDisk> afyoon el sha3b :)
<JeoTheLeo> but there definitely exists a lot of insensible people
<JeoTheLeo> those need to be thought for rather than left to think alone
<JeoTheLeo> since the human nature is not stable, but varies with the environment
<HardDisk> and speaking of thought, I have food for though, time for dinner.
<JeoTheLeo> ahh, have a nice meal
<HardDisk> got a steak marinated with garlic
<JeoTheLeo> I should go study about the internal structure of processors :D
<HardDisk> i just love garlic
<JeoTheLeo> ahh, neat
<HardDisk> garlic, olive oil and rosemary
<HardDisk> ma3 mashed potatoes
<JeoTheLeo> I'm not big on garlic, but it does give taste to steak and such :D
<HardDisk> and HP Sauce
<JeoTheLeo> Hewlett Packard? :P
<HardDisk> on sauted broccoli
<HardDisk> HP sauce is my fav all time sauce
<HardDisk> da we A1
<HardDisk> or nando's garlic sauce
<JeoTheLeo> Aone is an advertising channel on Nilesat? :P
<HardDisk> but I can rarely find it here, except maybe Royal House
<JeoTheLeo> so you cook too eh?
<HardDisk> yep
<HardDisk> and I make sushi
<JeoTheLeo> is sushi anything like the infamous feseekh?
<JeoTheLeo> I always forget to google sushi
<HardDisk> la2
<HardDisk> dont EVER compare sushi with feseekh
<HardDisk> actually
<HardDisk> never compare feseekh with ANYTHING :)
<JeoTheLeo> XD
<HardDisk> k gotta go, ciao
<JeoTheLeo> adieu
<MFawzy> hey ppl

EgyptTeam/Meetings/IRCLogs/2010-05-07 (last edited 2010-05-19 19:16:26 by host-196)